Bibliography on Mass Deacidification

By Carole Zimmmerman
Library of Congress
Preservation Office
Washington, D.C.


Mass deacidification of paper, which was not too long ago only a wishful concept, is now a reality. Much to the advantage of libraries and archives, this budding technology continues to advance with a fresh infusion of ideas and resources. The hectic pace of progress over the past few years has justifiably translated into an increasing proliferation of literature. It is hoped that this bibliography, which we expect to update periodically, will serve to keep us informed about recent developments in the field. Carole Zimmermann has made a sincere effort to compile a bibliography that is as comprehensive as possible. Yet, given the high degree of interest in mass deacidification in the popular and the professional press, a first attempt is likely to suffer from some omissions. We welcome response from our readers to help us redress any oversights in future issues of this bibliography.

Kenneth E. Harris
Director for Preservation
November 1990


This bibliography is intended to reach all audiences interested in the preservation of book and paper materials through mass deacidification. For this reason, I have tried to offer a broad presentation of the literature available by including materials from scientific, library science and "popular" works. I subsequently plan to update this bibliography as new material becomes available.

The material in this bibliography is arranged in chronological blocks due to our belief that specific users may wish to consult the most recent literature. An author index has been included for those seeking specific works.

I wish to thank Dr. Chandru Shahani, Dr. Donald Sebera and Gerald Garvey for their continual advice and support in my preparation of this work.

Carole Zimmermann
Preservation Office
November 1990


Barrow, William J.  Deacidification and Lamination of
      Deteriorated Documents, 1938-63.  American Archivist 28 (2):
      285-90 (April 1965).

Barrow, William J.  Procedures & Equipment Used in the Barrow
      Method of Restoring Manuscripts and Documents.  [No place or
      publisher, 1943?]

Barrow, William J.  Procedures and Equipment Used in the Barrow
      Method of Restoring Manuscripts and Documents.  [No place
      or publisher, 1952?]

Baynes-Cope, A. D.  Non-Aqueous Deacidification of Documents.
      Restaurator 1 (1): 2-9 (1969).

Smith, Richard D.  Nonaqueous Deacidification of Paper and Books.
            Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1970.

W. J. Barrow Research Laboratory.  Permanence/Durability of the
      Book-III: Spray Deacidification.  Richmond, Va.: The Author,

W. J. Barrow Research Laboratory.  Permanence/Durability of the
      Book: a Two-Year Research Program.  Richmond, Va.: The

W.J. Barrow Research Laboratory.  Permanence/Durability of the
      Book-V: Strength and Other Characteristics of Book Papers
      1800-1899.  Richmond, Va.: The Author, 1967.

NOTE:  The citations in the first section are basic works on
deacidification and are included because of their historical
importance.  Subsequent sections, beginning with works up to
1969, are arranged in chronological order by five-year periods
through 1984, and yearly, thereafter.

** To 1969 **

Cunha, George.  Technical Mailbag [on vapor phase
      deacidification].  American Archivist 31 (1): 84-85 (January

Cunha, George.  Vapor Phase Deacidification.  American Archivist
      30 (4): 614-615 (October 1967).

Ede, J. R. and Langwell, William Herbert.  Sulphur Dioxide and
      Vapour Phase Deacidification.  In Preprints of the
      Contributions to theLondon Conference on Museum Climatology,
      18-23 September 1967,edited by Garry Thomson, 37-40.
      London: International Institutefor Conservation of Historic
      and Artistic Works, 1967.

Langwell, William Herbert.  Prevention of Deterioration of
      Cellulose-based Records.  United States Patent Office
      (#3,472,611) (October 14, 1969).

Langwell, William Herbert.  The Vapour Phase Deacidification of
      Books and Documents.  Journal of the Society of Archivists 3
      (3): 137 (April 1966).

McCarthy, Paul.  Vapor Phase Deacidification.  Paper presented at
      the Society of American Archivists at Ottawa, Canada.
      (September 1968).

McCarthy, Paul.  Vapor Phase Deacidification: A New Preservation
      Method.  American Archivist 32 (4): 333-342 (October 1969).

Smith, Richard D.  Paper Deacidification: A Preliminary Report.
      Library Quarterly 36 (4): 273-292 (October 1966).

Vapor Phase Deacidification.  American Archivist 29 (4): 566-568
      (October 1966).

Young, Edmond G.  A Study of the Gaseous By-Products Formed by
      the Reaction of Zinc Ethyl and Tertiary Butyl Chloride.
      Ph.D. dissertation, University of Maryland, 1943.

** 1970-1974 **

Dupuis, R. N., Kusterer, J. E., and Sproull, R. C.  Evaluation of
      Langwell's Vapor Phase Deacidification Process.  Restaurator
      1 (3): 149-164 (1970)

Evaluation of Langwell's Vapor Phase Deacidification Process.
      Library of Congress Information Bulletin Appendix (June 4,
      1970): A41-A43.

Kelly, George B.  Practical Aspects of Deacidification.  Bulletin
      of the American Institute for Conservation 13 (1): 16-28
      (1972).  Also appears in Extrait de Archives et
      Bibliotheques de Belgique, Numero Special 12 (1974).

Kusterer, James E., Jr. and Hind, John D.  Gaseous Diffusion
      Paper Deacidification.  United States Patent Office
      (#3,703,353) (November 21, 1972).

Kusterer, James E., Jr. and Sproull, Reavis C.  Gaseous Diffusion
      Paper Deacidification.  United States Patent Office
      (#3,771,958) (November 13, 1973).

Langwell, William Herbert.  Vapour-Phase De-acidification: A
      Recent Development.  Journal of the Society of Archivists 4
      (7): 597-598 (April 1973).

Nelson, Clark W.  New Products & Data: Nonaqueous
      Deacidification.  American Archivist 34 (1): 75-76 (January

Smith, Richard D.  Non-Aqueous Deacidification of Paper and
      Books.  In Abstract of Theses, TAPPI 54 (5): 787-788 (May

Smith, Richard D.  Preserving Cellulosic Materials Through
      Treatment With Alkylene Oxides.  United States Patent Office
      (#3,676,055) (July 11, 1972).

Smith, Richard D.  Treatment of Cellulosic Materials.  United
      States Patent Office (#3,676,182) (July 11, 1972).

Vapor Phase Process for Mass Deacidification of Paper and Books
      Developed.  Paper Conservation News (New Haven, Conn.) 1
      (4): 1-4 (November 1973).

Williams, John C.  Chemistry of the Deacidification of Paper.
      Bulletin of the American Institute for Conservation 12 (1):
      16-32 (1971).

Williams, John C., and Kelly, George B.  Research on Mass
      Treatments in Conservation.  Bulletin of the American
      Institute for Conservation 14 (2): 69-77 (1974).

** 1975-1979 **

AIC Convention [section on mass deacidification with diethyl
      zinc].  Abbey Newsletter 15: 1-2 (July 1978).

Campbell, Gregor R.  Take Action--Protect Your Books from Acid
      Deterioration.  Library Scene 8 (1): 27 (March 1979).

Dangerous and Unpredictable: Strange Effects of VPD Sheets.
      Abbey Newsletter 9: 3 (July 1977).

Diethylzinc (DEZ).  Westport, CT: Texas Alkyls Inc., Division of
      Stauffer Chemical Company, 1978.

Harris, Carolyn.  Mass Deacidification, Science to the Rescue?
      Library Journal 104 (13): 1423-1427 (July 1979).

Jonson, Laurence F.  Paper Deacidification.  Part 1.  Art Dealer
      & Framer (August 1976): 52-56.

Jonson, Laurence F.  Paper Deacidification.  Part 2.  Art Dealer
      & Framer (October 1976): 9-12.

Kelly, George B.  Composition for Use in Deacidification of
      Paper.  United States Patent (#3,939,091)  (Feb. 17, 1976).

Kelly, George B. and Williams, John C.  Mass Deacidification with
      Diethyl Zinc, Large-Scale Trials.  In American Institute for
      Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works.  Preprints of
      Papers Presented at the Sixth Annual Meeting, Fort Worth,
      Texas, 1-4 June 1978, 81-92.  Washington: The Institute,

Kelly, George B., Tang, Lucia C., and Krasnow, Marta K.
      Methylmagnesium Carbonate--An Improved Nonaqueous
      Deacidification Agent.  In Preservation of Paper and
      Textiles of Historic and Artistic Value, edited by John C.
      Williams, 62-71.  Washington, DC: American Chemical Society,

Kelly, George B. and Fowler, Stanley.  Penetration and Placement
      of Alkaline Compounds in Solution-Deacidified Paper.
      Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 17(2):
      33-43 (Spring 1978).

Mucci, Paul.  [Letter to the Editor concerning the
      methylmagnesium carbonate non-aqueous deacidification
      process].  Paper Conservation News 6: 4 (March 1978).

New Deacidification Process to Be Used to Stop Book
      Deterioration.  Publishers Weekly 216 (14): 70-71 (October
      1, 1979).

Questions on Mass Deacidification.  SAA Newsletter (November
      1978): 12.

Smith, Richard D.  Deacidification of Paper and Books.  American
      Libraries 6 (2): 108-110 (February 1975).

Smith, Richard D.  Design of a Liquified Gas Mass Deacidification
      System for Paper and Books.  In Preservation of Paper and
      Textiles of Historic and Artistic Value, edited by John C.
      Williams, 149-158.  Washington, D.C.: American Chemical
      Society, 1977.

Smith, Richard D.  [Letter to the Editor in response to previous
      Letter to the Editor concerning methylmagnesium carbonate
      non-aqueous deacidification process].  Paper Conservation
      News 8: 3-4 (September 1978).

Smith, Richard D.  Paper Deacidification, pt. 3.  Art Dealer &
      Framer (November 1976): 40-46.

Smith, Richard D.  Paper Deacidification, pt. 4.  Art Dealer &
      Framer  (December 1976): 7-12.

Smith, Richard D.  Preservation: Library Need and Industry
      Opportunity.  Library Scene 8 (4): 10-13 (December 1979).

Smith, Richard D.  Progress in Mass Deacidification at the Public
      Archives.  Canadian Library Journal 36 (6): 325-332
      (December 1979).

Walker, Bernard F.  Morpholine Deacidification of Whole Books.
      In Preservation of Paper and Textiles of Historic and
      Artistic Value, edited by John C. Williams, 72-87.
      Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society, 1977.

Williams, John C.  Paper Permanence: a Step in Addition to
      Alkalization.  Restaurator 3 (3): 81-90 (1979).

Williams, John C., Kelly, George B. and Best, Richard L.  Method
      of Deacidifying Paper.  United States Patent (#3,898,356)
      (Aug. 5, 1975).

Williams, John C. and Kelly, George B.  Method of Deacidifying
      Paper.  United States Patent (#3,969,549) (July 13, 1976).
      (Also issued as Canadian Patent #1043956).

Williams, John C. and Kelly, George B.  Method of Deacidifying
      Paper.  United States Patent (#4,051,276) (Sept. 27, 1977).

Wilson, William K., McKiel, Mary C., Gear, James L. and
      MacClaren, Robert H.  Preparation of Solutions of Magnesium
      Bicarbonate for  Deacidification.  American Archivist 41
      (1): 67-70 (January 1978).

** 1980-1984 **

Chemists Tackle Paper Aging.  Industrial Chemical News 2 (11): 1,
      15 (November 1981).

Crespo, Carmen and Vinas, Vicente.  The Preservation and
      Restoration of Paper Records and Books.  Paris: UNESCO,
      1984, c1985.

Flieder, Françoise, Leclerc, Françoise, and Garnier, Chantal. La
      Sauvegarde des Documents Imprimés Conservés a la
      Bibliothèque Nationale. In Les Documents Graphiques et
      Photographiques: Analyse et Conservation, 1980-1981, 11-30.
      Paris: Editions du Centre National de la Recherche
      Scientifique, 1989, c1981.

Guinea Pig Dermal Sensitization Study DEZ (Diethyl Zinc) Treated
      Paper and Untreated Paper, Final Report.  [Unpublished
      report for the Library of Congress]  Rockville, Md.: Litton
      Bionetics, 1984.

Harris, Carolyn.  Preservation of Paper Based Materials: Mass
      Deacidification Methods and Projects.  In Conserving and
      Preserving Library Materials, edited by Kathryn Luther
      Henderson and William T. Henderson, 57-72.  Urbana-
      Champaign, Ill.: University of Illinois, Graduate School of
      Library and Information Science, c1983.

Johnson, Eric.  Preserving the Printed Word.  United Technologies
      Magazine 3 (1): 8-11 (Winter 1982).

Kelly, George B. and Williams, John C.  Inhibition of Light
      Sensitivity of Papers Treated with Diethyl Zinc.  In
      Preservation of Paper and Textiles of Historic and Artistic
      Value II, edited by John C. Williams, 109-117.  Washington,
      D.C.: American Chemical Society, 1981.

Kelly, George B.  Mass Deacidification.  In Preservation of
      Library Materials, edited by Joyce R. Russell, 59-70.  New
      York, N.Y.: Special Libraries Association, 1980.

Kelly, George B.  Mass Deacidification with Diethyl Zinc.
      Library Scene 9 (3): 6-7 (September 1980).

Koura, A.  Konservierung und Restaurierung von Papier mit
      Konzentrierter Natronlauge: Bedingungen und Praktische
      Erfahrungen.  Maltechnik Restauro 89 (4): 288-294 (Oktober

Library of Congress Announces Completion of Test Aimed at Adding
      Hundreds of Years to Life of Books.  News from The Library
      of Congress (October 29, 1982).

Library of Congress Conducts New Tests to Prolong Life of Books.
      News from the Library of Congress (May 5, 1982).

Library of Congress to Build Mass Deacidification Facility.
      Library Journal 109 (9): 933 (May 15, 1984).

Library Will Conduct New Tests to Prolong Life of Books.  Library
      of Congress Information Bulletin 41 (22): 149-150 (May 28,

Mass Deacidification at the NL.  National Library News 4 (3-4):
      1-3 (March-April 1982).

Mass Deacidification Test Results Due Soon From LC Experiment.
      Library Journal 107 (15): 1586 (Sept. 1, 1982).

Packard, John Neal.  A Safety Approach to Scale-Up of a Chemical
      Process.  In New Frontiers in System Safety, 6th
      International System Safety Conference, September 26-30,
      1983: 1-5.1 - 1-5.29.  Sterling, Va.?: System Safety
      Society, 1983?

Parliament, Robert A.  Construction and Start-up of the
      Deacidification Unit at Princeton University Library.  Book
      and Paper Group Annual 2: 82-85 (1983).

Primary Dermal Irritation Study in Rabbits DEZ (Diethyl Zinc)
      Treated Paper, Untreated Paper and USP Commercial Zinc
      Oxide, Final Report.  [Unpublished report for the Library of
      Congress]  Rockville, Md.: Litton Bionetics, 1984.

Primary Eye Irritation Study in Rabbits DEZ (Diethyl Zinc)
      Treated Paper and Untreated Paper, Final Report.
      [Unpublished report for the Library of Congress]  Rockville,
      Md.: Litton Bionetics, 1984.

Raloff, Janet.  Halting Untimely Book Ends: Two Promising
      Techniques are Being Developed to Save Our Embrittling
      Printed Heritage.  Library & Archival Security 7 (2): 21-26
      (1985).  Also appears in Science News 123: 154-156 (March 5,

Roberson, David D.  Permanence/Durability and Preservation
      Research at the Barrow Laboratory.  In Preservation of Paper
      and Textiles of Historic and Artistic Value II, edited by
      John C. Williams, 45-55.  Washington: American Chemical
      Society, 1981.

Saving Books with Science.  Discover (March 1983): 66-67.

Smith, Richard D.  Mass Deacidification: The Wei T'o Way.
      College & Research Libraries News 45 (11): 588-593 (December

Smith, Richard D.  Preservation: Library Need and Industry
      Opportunity.  Library Scene 9 (1): 10-12 (March 1980).

Smith, Richard D.  Preserving Our Books: a Chemical Problem.
      Chemtech 11 (7): 414-417 (July 1981).

Smith, Richard D.  Treatment of Cellulosic Materials.  United
      States Patent Office (#4,318,963) (March 9, 1982).

Test of Mass Paper Deacidification Due at LC in July.  LJ/SLJ
      Hotline 11 (21): 2 (May 31, 1982).

United States.  Congress.  Senate.  Committee on Rules and
      Administration.  Library of Congress Mass Book
      Deacidification Facility.  Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government
      Printing Office, 1984.

Update: Mass Deacidification Methods.  Abbey Newsletter 4 (1): 15
      (January 1980).

Wei T'o Claims Deacid Process is Safer, Faster Than LC's.
      Library Journal 109 (7): 752 (April 15, 1984).

Williams, John C.  A Review of Paper Quality and Paper Chemistry.
      Library Trends 30 (2): 203-224 (Fall 1981).

Wilson, William K., Golding, Ruth A., McClaren, R.H. and Gear,
      James L.  The Effect of Magnesium Bicarbonate Solutions on
      Various Papers.  In Preservation of Paper and Textiles of
      Historic and Artistic Value II, edited by John C. Williams,
      87-107.  Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society, 1981.

** 1985 **

Banks, Joyce M.  Mass Deacidification at the National Library of
      Canada.  Conservation Administration News 20: 14-15, 20
      (January 1985).

Book Battle.  Inc (April 1985): 18.

Evaluation of Diethyl Zinc-Treated Paper: Particulate Emissions,
      Final Report.  [Unpublished report for the Library of
      Congress]  Research Triangle Park, NC: Northrop Services
      Inc., Environmental Sciences, 1985.

Kundrot, Robert A.  Deacidification of Library Materials.  United
      States Patent Office (#4,522,843) (June 11, 1985).

Litton Bionetics.  Acute Oral Toxicity Study in Rats, Diethyl
      Zinc Treated Paper and Untreated Paper, Final Report.
      [Unpublished report for the Library of Congress]
      Kensington, Md.: Litton Bionetics, Inc., 1985.

Making Today's Books Last: Vapor-Phase Deacidification at the
      Library of Congress.  Washington: Library of Congress, 1985.

Mass Deacidification Plant Proposed for Ohio.  Library Journal
      110 (16): 28 (October 1, 1985).

Material Safety Data Sheet, #100.0.9, Diethyl Zinc.  Baton Rouge,
      LA: Ethyl Corporation, Chemicals Group, 1985.

Mutagenicity Evaluation of Paper Untreated in the Ames
      Salmonella/Microsome Spot Test, Final Report.  [Unpublished
      report for the Library of Congress]  Kensington, Md.: Litton
      Bionetics, 1985.

Nyren, Karl.  Wei T'o Vs. Dez Debate.  Library Journal 110 (4):
      14 (March 1, 1985).

Smith, Richard D.  Mass Deacidification Cost Comparisons.
      College & Research Libraries News 46 (3): 122-123 (March

Sparks, Peter G. and Smith Richard D.  Deacidification Dialogue.
      College & Research Libraries News 46 (1): 9-11 (January

21-Day Repeat Dose Dermal Toxicity Study in Rabbits DEZ (Diethyl
      Zinc) Treated Paper and Untreated Paper, Final Study.
      [Unpublished Report for the Library of Congress]  Rockville,
      Md.: Litton Bionetics, 1985.

Wei T'o Vs. Dez Debate.  Library Hotline 14 (6): 1 (February 11,

** 1986 **

Arai, Hideo and Mori, Hachiro.  On the Protection of Papers from
      Acid Deterioration by Neutralization, Part 1, Preliminary
      Experiments on Diethyl Zinc Method (In Japanese, summary in
      English).  Hozon Kagaku (Science for Conservation) 25: 55-61

Arai, Hideo; Mori, Hachiro; Inoue, Ichiro; Miyaji, Hiroyuki, and
      Ichikida, Kinya.  On the Protection of Papers from Acid
      Deterioration by Neutralization, Part 2, Neutralizing With
      Diethyl Zinc of Papers Sized by Aluminum Sulfate (In
      Japanese, summary in English).  Bunkazai no Chukingai
      (Journal of Japan Institute of Insect Damage to Cultural
      Properties) 11: 3-9 (July 1986).

Book Deacidification Program Update.  Library of Congress
      Information Bulletin 45 (36): 310-311 (September 8, 1986).

Chepesiuk, Ron.  On Assignment.  Wilson LIbrary Bulletin (June
      1986): 47-49.

Cunha, George.  Mass Deacidification Systems Available to
In New Directions in Paper Conservation: Conference Notes,
Institute of Paper Conservation 10th Anniversary Conference, 14-
18th April 1986, Oxford, England, compiled by Alan Howell: D66.
Worcestershire, England: Institute of Paper Conservation, 1986.

Cunha Compares LC and Wei T'o Mass Deacidification Systems at
      Oxford Meet.  Library Hotline 15 (18): 3 (May 5, 1986).

Demolition Team Knocks Out LC Deacidification Plant.  Library
      Journal 111 (6): 12-13 (April 1, 1986).

Engineering Problems Experiences at Deacidification Test
      Facility.  Library of Congress Information Bulletin 45 (11):
      87 (March 17, 1986).

Evaluation of Diethyl Zinc-Treated Paper for Potential Health
      Effects by Toxicity and Cell Transformation Assays,
      Utilizing Primary Hamster Embryo Cells.  [Unpublished report
      for the Library of Congress]  Research Triangle Park, NC:
      Northrop Services Inc., Environmental Sciences, 1986.

King, Ed.  New Hope for Decayed Paper.  Library Conservation News
      12: 1-2 (July 1986).

Koppers Deacidification Patent.  Abbey Newsletter 10 (6): 85-86,
      88 (December 1986).

LC Mass Deacidification Program Update.  Conservation
      Administration News 26: 15 (July 1986).

Library's Book Deacidification Program Moves Forward Following
      Review of Incidents at Pilot Plant.  Library of Congress
      Information Bulletin 45 (27): 255-256 (July 7, 1986).

Meichsner, Irene.  Bang Go Hopes of Salvaging Billions of Books.
      The German Tribune 1225: 12 (11 May 1986).

National Research Council.  Committee on Preservation of
      Historical Records.  Preservation of Historical Records.
      Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1986.

Nyren, Karl.  Demolition Team Knocks Out LC Deacidification
      Plant.  Library Journal 111 (6): 12-13 (April 1, 1986).

Nyren, Karl.  The DEZ Process and the Library of Congress.
      Library Journal 111 (15): 33-35 (September 15, 1986).

Nyren, Karl.  It's Time to Dump DEZ.  Library Journal 111 (15): 4
      (September 15, 1986).

Nyren, Karl.  LC Reports Flaws in DEZ Process, Will Contract With
      Chemical Firm.  Library Journal 111 (13): 22 (August 1986).

Patterson, Robert H.  Mass Deacidification: The Bad News and the
      Good News.  Conservation Administration News 26: 3 (July

Pidek, Jan.  Mass Deacidification: Operational Experience at the
      Public Archives and the National Library of Canada.  In New
      Directions in Paper Conservation: Conference Notes,
      Institute of Paper Conservation 10th Anniversary Conference,
      14-18th April 1986, Oxford, England, compiled by Alan
      Howell: D69.  Worcestershire, England: Institute of Paper
      Conservation, 1986.

Pilot Process for LC's Mass Deacid Program Runs Amok.  Library
      Hotline 15 (9): 1 (March 3, 1986).

Santucci, L., Grosso, V. Hey, M. & Rossi, L. Deacidification of
      Paper: Some Current Preoccupations.  In New Directions in
      Paper Conservation: Conference Notes, Institute of Paper
      Conservation 10th Anniversary Conference, 14-18th April
      1986, Oxford, England, compiled by Alan Howell: D68.
      Worcestershire, England: Institute of Paper Conservation,

Sebera, Donald K.  Mass Deacidification of Paper at the Library
      of Congress.  In New Directions in Paper Conservation:
      Conference Notes, Institute of Paper Conservation 10th
      Anniversary Conference, 14-18th April 1986, Oxford, England,
      compiled by Alan Howell: D68.  Worcestershire, England:
      Institute of Paper Conservation, 1986.

Smith, Richard D.  Non-Aqueous Deacidification: Its Origin,
      Development, Status and Philosophies.  In New Directions in
      Paper Conservation: Conference Notes, Institute of Paper
      Conservation 10th Anniversary Conference, 14-18th April
      1986, Oxford, England, compiled by Alan Howell: D67.
      Worcestershire, England: Institute of Paper Conservation,

Sparks, Peter G.  LC's Mass Deacidification.  Library Journal 111
      (13): 10-14 (August 1986).

** 1987 **

Arnoult, Jean-Marie.  Mass Deacidification at the Bibliotheque
      National.  In Preservation of Library Materials, Conference
      held at the National Library of Austria, edited by Merrily
      Smith, 129-133.  München: Saur, 1987.

Arnoult, Jean-Marie.  Mass Deacidification in France.
      Restaurator 8 (2/3): 100-105 (1987).

Avallone, Susan.  Full OTA Study of DEZ Asked by Rep. Fazio.
      Library Journal 112 (7): 22 (April 15, 1987).

Avallone, Susan.  LC Agrees to Outside Review of the DEZ Process.
      Library Journal 112 (2): 20 (February 1, 1987).

Avallone, Susan.  LC Queried on Budget Cuts, DEZ, & Research
      Space.  Library Journal 112 (5): 16 (March 15, 1987).

Cannon, Harold C.  DEZ is All We've Got.  Library Journal 112
      (1): 12 (January 1987).

Clements, David W. G.  Emerging Technologies - Paper
      Strengthening.  Restaurator 8 (2/3): 124-128 (1987).

Clements, David W. G.  Paper Strengthening at the British
      Library.  In Preservation of Library Materials, Conference
      held at the National Library of Austria, vol. 1, edited by
      Merrily Smith, 152-155.  München: Saur, 1987.

Cunha, George.  Mass Deacidification for Libraries.  Library
      Technology Reports 23 (3): 363-472 (May-June 1987).

Cunha Report Sheds Light on Book-deacidification Choices.
      American Libraries 18 (9): 732-734 (October 1987).

Deacidification Program Update, edited by Merrily Smith, 1-6
      (1987-1988).  [Unpublished reports distributed by the
      National Preservation Program Office, Library of Congress,
      Washington, DC].

DEZ Process for Preserving Books is Challenged.  Scholarly
      Communication 7: 10 (Winter 1987).

DEZ Update.  Library of Congress Information Bulletin 46 (27):
      302 (July 6, 1987).

Fazio Asks OTA Findings on DEZ by August.  Library Hotline 16
      (14): 10 (April 13, 1987).

Fifield, Richard.  Library Aims for "Long-Life" Books.  New
      Scientist (9 April 1987): 31.

Japanese Tests Compare Efficacy of DEZ and Wei T'o Chemicals.
      Library Hotline 16 (40): 1 (December 7, 1987).

Kelly, George B.  Non-Aqueous Deacidification of Books and Paper.
      In Conservation of Library and Archive Materials and the
      Graphic Arts, edited by Guy Petherbridge, 117-123.  London
      and Boston: Butterworths, 1987.

LC to Proceed on DEZ Tests as Alternatives Are Weighed.  American
      Libraries 18 (3): 168 (March 1987).

Lewis, Larry.  Chemistry's New Workhorse.  High Technology (July
      1987): 21-24.

Library Journal Attacks LC.  Abbey Newsletter 11 (2): 25 (March

Library of Congress Book Deacidification Pilot Plant Under
      Construction in Houston, Texas.  News from the Library of
      Congress (July 2, 1987).

Mass Deacidification at the Library of Congress.  Abbey
      Newsletter 11 (1): 1 (January 1987).

Mass Deacidification: The Latest Word (for Now) on DEZ, Wei T'o
      and Others.  Library Hotline 16 (29): 2 (September 21,

McCombs, Phil.  Library's Preservation Go-Ahead.  Washington Post
      (February 11, 1987): C-1, C-11.

OTA Study of Library of Congress DEZ Process Launched.  Library
      Hotline 16 (24): 4 (June 22, 1987).

Oye, Raysabro; Ohmori, Keiichi; Okayama, Orisuke and Ushiyama,
      Eiichi.  A Deterioration-Suppression Procedure by Means of a
      Neutralizing Reagent.  In Research on Countermeasures
      Against Acidification for Book Preservation, 123-165.
      "Issue number 60303025, 1985-1986 Scientific Research
      Budgetary Subsidy, General Research (A) Research
      Publication."  (Unpublished translation from Japanese).
      Tokyo, Japan: Agriculture Department, Tokyo Agricultural and
      Industrial University, March 1987.

Quantitative Evaluation of Potential Particulate Emissions from
      Diethyl Zinc-Treated Books Under Simulated Library Stack
      Conditions, Final Report.  [Unpublished report for the
      Library of Congress]  Research Triangle, NC: Northrop
      Services Inc./Environmental Sciences, 1987.

Russell, Ann.  Try, Try Again With DEZ.  Library Journal 112 (1):
      8 (January 1987).

Scott, Marianne.  Mass Deacidification at the National Library of
      Canada.  Restaurator 8 (2/3): 94-99 (1987).

Scott, Marianne.  Mass Deacidification at the National Library of
      Canada.  In Preservation of Library Materials, Conference
      held at the National Library of Austria, vol. 1, edited by
      Merrily Smith, 134-136.  München: Saur, 1987.  Also appears
      in Library & Archival Security 8 (3/4): 49-52).

Shahani, Chandru J. and Wilson, William K.  Preservation of
      Libraries and Archives.  American Scientist (75): 240-251
      (May-June 1987).

Smith, Richard D.  Deacidifying Library Collections: Myths and
      Realities.  Restaurator 8 (2/3): 69-93 (1987).

Smith, Richard D.  Mass Deacidification: The Wei T'o
      Understanding. College & Research Libraries News 48 (1): 2-
      10 (January 1987).

Sparks, Peter G.  Mass Deacidification at the Library of
      Congress.  Restaurator 8 (2/3): 106-110 (1987).

Sparks, Peter G.  Mass Deacidification at the Library of
      Congress.  In Preservation of Library Materials, Conference
      held at the National Library of Austria, vol. 1, edited by
      Merrily Smith, 137-140.  München: Saur, 1987.

Sparks, Peter G.  Technology in Support of Preservation.
      Restaurator 8 (2/3): 65-68 (1987).

Sparks, Peter G.  Technology in Support of Preservation.  In
      Preservation of Library Materials, Conference held at the
      National Library of Austria, vol. 1, edited by Merrily
      Smith, 126-128.  München: Saur, 1987.

Stange, Eric.  Mass Deacidification Beckons, Perhaps.  The New
      York Times Book Review (March 29, 1987): 3.

Sunderman, William, Jr.  Report to the Library of Congress on a
      Pilot Study of Acute Toxicity of Diethyl Zinc in Rats.
      [Unpublished report for the Library of Congress]  July 1987.

United States.  Congress.  House.  Committee on Education and
      Labor.  Subcommittee on Postsecondary Education.  Oversight
      Hearing on the Problem of "Brittle Books" in Our Nation's
      Libraries.  Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing
      Office, 1987.

Wachter, Otto.  Paper Strengthening: Mass Conservation of Unbound
      and Bound Newspapers.  Restaurator 8 (2/3): 111-123 (1987).

Wachter, Otto.  Paper Strengthening at the National Library of
      Austria.  In Preservation of Library Materials, Conference
      held at the National Library of Austria, vol 1, edited by
      Merrily Smith, 141-151.  München: Saur, 1987.

Welsh, William J.  In Defense of DEZ: LC's Perspective.  Library
      Journal 112 (1): 62-63 (January 1987).

** 1988 **

Banik, Gerhard and Sobotka, Werner K.  Deacidification and
      Strengthening of Bound Newspapers Through Aqueous Immersion.
      In 1988 Paper Preservation Symposium, 146-154.  Atlanta,
      Ga.: TAPPI Press, 1988.

Bansa, Helmut.  Interim Report on the FRG Investigation of Mass
      Deacidification Technologies. In 1988 Paper Preservation
      Symposium, 172-175.  Atlanta, Ga.: TAPPI Press, 1988.

Brown, George E., Jr. Preserving America's Cultural Collections
      on Paper: Engineering Answers. In 1988 Paper Preservation
      Symposium, 91-98.  Atlanta, Ga.: TAPPI Press, 1988.

Calvini, P., Grosso, V., Hey, M., Rossi, L. and Santucci, L.
      Deacidification of Paper.  Paper Conservator 12: 35-39

Commissioning of Pilot DEZ Facility is Complete. Library of
      Congress Information Bulletin 47 (10): 86-87 (March 7,

Deacidification Monkeywrench.  American Libraries 19 (5): 344
      (May 1988).

DeCandido, Graceanne A.  New Book Deacidification Process
      Prototype Soon to be Available.  Library Journal 113 (3):
      112-114 (February 15, 1988).

De Leeuw, Guillaume Petrus Garardus Marie.  Preserving Paper
      Sheets or Webs With Thymol and Methoxy Magnesium Methyl
      Carbonate.  European Patent Application: EP 88200608,
      Application: 880331.

Holmes, John.  Mass Deacidification of Books at the National
      Archives and the National Library of Canada. In 1988 Paper
      Preservation Symposium, 165-166.  Atlanta, Ga.: TAPPI Press,

Kindler, W. A.  Collection Preservation: The Practical Choices.
      In 1988 Paper Preservation Symposium, 211-214.  Atlanta,
      Ga.: TAPPI Press, 1988.

Koppers Deacidification Process Not Dead.  Abbey Newsletter 12
      (1): 1 (January 1988).

Kozak, John J. and Spatz, Richard E.  Deacidification of Paper by
      the Bookkeeper Process. In 1988 Paper Preservation
      Symposium, 167-171.  Atlanta, Ga.: TAPPI Press, 1988.

LC Tests Mass Deacidification as Budget Hearings Approach.
      American Libraries 19 (2): 94 (February 1988).

Lee, K. W., Jordan, H., Fisher, G. L., and Craig, D. K.  Final
      Report on Safety Evaluation of Zinc Oxide Aerosols from
      Diethylzinc-Treated Books, Phase 1, Characterization of Zinc
      Oxide Aerosols Associated with Diethyzinc-Treated Books Via
      Field Studies and Laboratory Studies, November 1987 to
      August 1988.  [Unpublished report for the Library of
      Congress]  Columbus, Ohio: Battelle, Columbus Division,

Mass Deacidification.  Abbey Newsletter 12 (6): 118 (September

Material Handling, Transportation and Staffing Study for the
      Library of Congress Deacidification Project, Final Report.
      [Unpublished report for the Library of Congress]
      Alexandria, Va.: Technology Management Corporation,
      Inc./Wesley-Kind Associates, Inc., 1988.

McCrady, Ellen.  Review of "Mass Deacidification for Libraries,"
      by George M. Cunha.  Abbey Newsletter 12 (2): 40-41
      (February 1988).

Morrow, Geoffrey.  Mass Deacidification: Operational Experience
      at the National Archives and the National Library of Canada.
      Paper Conservator 12: 40-46 (1988).

Ohmori, Keiichi.  Measures to Prevent Deterioration in Stored
      Books and Documents (Translation from Japanese).  Masters
      thesis, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology,

OTA Looks at Book Preservation Technologies.  Library of Congress
      Information Bulletin 47 (24): 234-236 (June 13, 1988.

Oye, Raysabro.  A Consideration on Significance of
      Deacidification.  In 1988 Paper Preservation Symposium, 198-
      202.  Atlanta, Ga.: TAPPI Press, 1988.

Preserving Disintegrating Archives.  New Scientist (5 November
      1988): Inside Science Section, 4.

Rensberger, Boyce.  Acid Test: Stalling Self-Destruction in the
      Stacks.  Washington Post (Monday, August 29, 1988): A-13.

Rensberger, Boyce.  Preservation Method is One for the Books.
      Philadelphia Inquirer (Tuesday, August 30, 1988): 5-A.

Sebera, Donald K. and Sparks, Peter G.  The Library of Congress
      DEZ Gas Diffusion Deacidification Process.  Unpublished
      paper prepared for presentation at the 1988 Paper
      Preservation Symposium.  1988.

Smith, Richard D.  Deacidification Technologies: State of the
      Art.  In 1988 Paper Preservation Symposium, 125-140.
      Atlanta, Ga.: TAPPI Press, 1988.

Smith, Richard D.  It's Not Too Late to Save the Books.  American
      Libraries 19 (11): 992-994 (December 1988).

Smith, Richard D.  Non-Aqueous Deacidification: Its Philosophies,
      Origins, Development and Status.  Paper Conservator 12: 31-
      34 (1988).

Sun, Marjorie.  Big Problem of Brittle Books.  Science 240: 598-
      600 (April 29, 1988).

Thompson, Jack C.  Mass Deacidification: Thoughts on the Cunha
      Report.  Restaurator 9 (3): 147-162 (1988).

Turner, Judith Axler.  Technology Unit Likely to Accept Chemical
      Process Designed to Save Books at Library of Congress.
      Chronicle of Higher Education (February 10, 1988): A4.

United States. Congress.  Office of Technology Assessment.  Book
      Preservation Technologies, OTA-0-375.  Washington, D.C.:
      Government Printing Office, 1988.

United States. Congress.  Office of Technology Assessment.  Book
      Preservation Technologies -- Summary, OTA-0-376.
      Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1988.

** 1989 **

Akzo Process Granted License.  Paper Age (September 1989).

Akzo Works on System for Book Preservation.  European Plastics
      News (September 1989): News Report Page.

Book Deacidification Process, One MM Books/Year Treating Plant,
      Project Scope Book.  [Unpublished report for the Library of
      Congress]  Houston, Texas: S&B Engineers & Constructors,
      Inc., 1989.

Cunha, George.  LC's Deacidification Process Leased to Chemical
      Giant.  American Libraries 20 (8): 721 (September 1989).

Cunha, George.  Mass Deacidification for Libraries: 1989 Update.
      Library Technology Reports 25 (1): 5-81 (January-February

Emsley, John.  Hazardous Compound Helps to Preserve Crumbling
      Books.  New Scientist No. 1691: 36 (18 November 1989).

German Deacidification Study Distributed by DC Commission.
      Library Journal 114 (18): 32 (November 1, 1989).

Hon, David N.-S.  Critical Evaluation of Mass Deacidification
      Processes for Book Preservation.  In Historic Textile and
      Paper Materials II, edited by S. Haig Zeronian and Howard L.
      Needles, 13-33.  Washington, D.C.: American Chemical
      Society, 1989.

Jeffery, Mildred.  Addendum to Final Report, Deacidification
      Project, Texas Alkyls Small Scale Test Facilities, April 25,
      1989 to August 3, 1989.  [Unpublished report for the Library
      of Congress]  Deer Park, Texas: Texas Alkyls, Inc., 1989.

Jeffery, Mildred, Yin, Joe, and Rohrer, J.  Final Report,
      Deacidification Project, Texas Alkyls Small Scale Test
      Facilities, October 1, 1987 to March 3, 1989.  [Unpublished
      report for the Library of Congress]  Deer Park, Texas: Texas
      Alkyls, Inc., 1989.

King, Ed.  New Hope for Decayed Paper: an Update.  Library
      Conservation News 25: 2-3 (October 1989).

Krieger, Jim.  Akzo Granted License for Book Preservation.
      Chemical and Engineering News (August 7, 1989): 6.

Library of Congress DEZ Process, Commercial Unit Cost Estimate.
      [Unpublished report for the Library of Congress]  Houston,
      Texas: S&B Engineers and Constructors, Inc., 1989.

LORD Cultural Resources Planning & Management, Inc.  Feasibility
      Study for a Mass Deacidification Centre for Libraries and
      Archives in Metropolitan Toronto.  Toronto, Canada: The
      Author, 1989.

Management of Liquid and Gaseous Discharges from Diethyl Zinc
      Process for Deacidification of Books.  [Unpublished report
      for the Library of Congress]  BCM Engineers, 1989.

Mass Aqueous Deacidification.  Abbey Newsletter 13 (1): 3
      (February 1989).

Mass Book Deacidification With the Book Preservation Associates
      Process.  (Information package)  Carteret, NJ: Book
      Preservation Associates, 1989.

Mass Deacidification.  Abbey Newsletter 13 (3): 33 (June 1989).

Mass Deacidification: Big Order for New Player Will Test Process.
      American Libraries 20 (5): 389-390 (May 1989).

Mass Deacidification Still a Horse Race.  American Libraries 20
      (6): 483 (June 1989).

Northwestern University Library, CIC Task Force on Mass
      Deacidification.  Criteria by Which to Evaluate Mass
      Deacidification Processes.  [Unpublished report]  (September

Paper Preservation Process, FMC Corporation Lithium Division.
      Bessemer City, N.C.: FMC Corporation, 1989?

Placke, Michael E., Craig, Douglas K., Ross, Mark S., Ryan,
      Michael J, and Basaran, Ali H.  Repeated-Exposure Inhalation
      Study of Zinc Oxide in Rats, Draft Final Report.
      [Unpublished report for the Library of Congress]  Columbus,
      OH: Battelle Memorial Institute, 1989.

Schwerdt, Peter.  Mass Deacidification Procedures for Libraries
      and Archives: State of Development and Perspectives for
      Implementation in the Federal Republic of Germany.
      Commission on Preservation and Access Report (September
      1989).  (First published in Zeitschrift fur Bibliothekswesen
      und Bibliographie 36 (1) (1989))

Sharpe, Hillary Mervyn and Robertson, Bob Gordon.  Vapor-Phase
      Deacidification of Books and Bound Documents Using Amines.
      Britain UK Patent Application (GB #2,208,397) (March 30,

Union Carbide Buys Wei T'o Process.  American Libraries (20) 11:
      1037 (December 1989).

Union Carbide Signs Exclusive Paper Preservation Agreement With
      Wei T'o Associates.  Union Carbide Specialty Chemicals News
      (Oct. 10, 1989).

Union Carbide to Market Wei T'o Deacidification Process.  Library
      Journal 114 (19): 25 (November 15, 1989).

Using Gamma Rays to Save Old Books.  New York Times (December 27,
      1989): Business Section.

Wedinger, Robert S.  Lithco Develops
      Deacidification/Strengthening Process.  Alkaline Paper
      Advocate 2 (4): 39-40 (October 1989).

Young, Luther.  Librarians Try to Save Books from Their Own
      Paper.  The Sun (Baltimore, Md.).  (November 13, 1989): A-1,

** 1990 **

Batton, Susan Sayre.  Nonaqueous Deacidification at Princeton,
      1982-89: a Progress Report.  Abbey Newsletter 14 (5): 80-82
      (August 1990).

Browne, Malcolm W.  Nation's Library Calls on Chemists to Stop
      Books from Turning to Dust.  New York Times (May 22, 1990):
      C-1, C-11.

Cookson, Clive.  New Chapter Opens in a Tragic Story.  Financial
      Times March 9, 1990: 10.

Diethyl Zinc.  Hazardous Substances Databank entry no. 929, rev.
      May 5, 1989.  Generated by TOXNET.  Bethesda, Md.: National
      Library of Medicine, 1990.

Evaluation Strategy Paper Preservation Systems.  Gastonia, NC:
      FMC Corporation, Lithium Division, 1990.

Experts Review Request for Proposals for Mass Deacidification
      Project.  Library of Congress Information Bulletin 49 (10):
      173-175 (May 7, 1990).

FMC Corporation Develops Paper Preservation Process; Builds
      Demonstration Plant.  FMC News Release January 22, 1990.

FMC Paper Preservation Process.  [Video-cassette].  Charlotte,
      NC: Catwalk Video Post Production, 1990.

Gamma Rays Strengthen Paper While Deacidifying.  American
      Libraries 21 (2): 99 (February 1990).

LC Closer to Choosing Contractor.  Abbey Newsletter 14 (4): 57
      (July 1990).

LC Invites Expert Criticism on its RFP for Deacidification
      Services.  Abbey Newsletter 14 (3): 49-50 (June 1990).

Lesk, Michael.  Image Formats for Preservation and Access.
      Washington, D.C.: Commission on Preservation and Access,

Lienardy, Anne and Van Damme, Philippe.  Practical
      Deacidification.  Restaurator 11 (1): 1-21 (1990).

Lithco Pilot Plant to Open Soon.  Abbey Newsletter 14 (2): 26
      (April 1990).

Murray, Toby.  FMC Dedicates Paper Preservation Demonstration
      Plant.  Conservation Administration News 42: 1-2 (July

New Deacidification Process Testing in North Carolina.  Library
      Journal 115 (7): 15 (April 15, 1990).

New Report Available on Choosing Mass Deacidification Processes.
      Commission on Preservation and Access Newsletter 25 (July

Paper Preservation Services: a Union Carbide Venture.
      (Information package). Danbury, CT: Union Carbide, 1990?

Sebera, Donald K.  The Effects of Strengthening and
      Deacidification on Paper Permanence.  Paper presented at the
      1990 annual meeting of the American Institute for
      Conservation, Richmond, Va.  1990.

Sparks, Peter G.  Technical Considerations in Choosing Mass
      Deacidification Processes.  Commission on Preservation and
      Access Report (May 1990).

Turko, Karen.  Mass Deacidification Systems.  Washington, D.C.:
      Association of Research Libraries, 1990.

                                 Author Index
Arai, Hideo, 106, 107
Arnoult, Jean-Marie, 132, 133
Association of Research Libraries, 259
Avallone, Susan, 134, 135, 136
Banik, Gerhard, 175
Banks, Joyce M., 92
Bansa, Helmut, 176
Barrow, William J., 1, 2, 3
Battelle Memorial Instiute, 188, 230
Batton, Susan Sayre, 239
Baynes-Cope, A. D., 4
BCM Engineers, 222
Best, Richard L., 55
Book Preservation Associates, 224
Brown, George E., 177
Browne, Malcolm W., 240
Calvini, P., 178
Campbell, Gregor R., 33
Cannon, Harold C., 137
Catwalk Video Post Production, 246
Chepesiuk, Ron, 109
CIC Task Force on Mass Deacidification, 228
Clements, David W. G., 138, 139
Commission on Preservation and Access, 231, 250, 255, 258
Cookson, Clive, 241
Craig, Douglas K., 188, 230
Crespo,Carmen, 60
Cunha, George, 9, 10, 110, 111, 140, 141, 211, 212
DeCandido, Graceanne A., 181
De Leeuw, Guillaume, 182
Dupuis, R. N., 19
Ede, J. R., 11
Emsley, John, 213
Ethyl Corporation, Chemicals Group, 99
Fifield, Richard, 146
Fisher, G. L., 188
Flieder, Françoise, 61
FMC Corporation, 229, 243, 245
Fowler, Stanley, 42
Garnier, Chantal, 61
Gear, James L., 58, 91
Golding, Ruth A., 91
Grosso, V., 128, 178
Harris, Carolyn, 36, 63
Hazardous Substances Databank, 242
Hey, Margaret, 128, 178
Hind, John D., 22
Holmes, John, 183
Hon, David N.-S., 215
Inoue, Ichiro, 107
Jeffery, Mildred, 216, 217
Johnson, Eric, 64
Jonson, Laurence F., 37, 38
Jordan, H., 188
Kelly, George B., 21, 31, 39, 40, 41, 42, 55, 56, 57, 65, 66, 67,
Kindler, W. A., 184
King, Ed, 115, 218
Koura, A., 68
Kozak, John J., 186
Krasnow, Marta K., 41
Krieger, Jim, 219
Kundrot, Robert A., 95
Kusterer, J. E., 19, 22, 23
Langwell, William Herbert, 11, 12, 13, 24
Leclerc, Françoise, 61
Lee, K. W., 188
Lesk, Michael, 250
Lewis, Larry, 150
Library of Congress, 20, 69, 70, 72, 97, 108, 113, 118, 142, 144,
  179, 194, 244
Lienardy, Anne, 251
Litton Bionetics, 62, 77, 78, 96, 100, 104
LORD Cultural Resources Planning and Management, Inc., 221
MacClaren, Robert H., 58, 91
McCarthy, Paul, 14, 15
McCombs, Phil, 155
McCrady, Ellen, 151, 191
McKiel, Mary C., 58
Meichsner, Irene, 119
Miyaji, Hiroyuki, 107
Mori, Hachiro, 106, 107
Morrow, Geoffrey, 192
Mucci, Paul, 43
Murray, Toby, 253
National Research Council, Committee on Preservation of
  Records,   120
Nelson, Clark W., 25
Northrop Services Inc./Environmental Sciences, 94, 114, 158
Nyren, Karl, 101, 121, 122, 123, 124
Ohmori, Keiichi, 157, 193
Okayama, Orisuke, 157
Oye, Raysabro, 157, 195
Packard, John Neal, 75
Parliament, Robert A., 76
Patterson, Robert H., 125
Pidek, Jan, 126
Placke, Michael, 230
Raloff, Janet, 79
Rensberger, Boyce, 197, 198
Roberson, David D., 80
Robertson, Bob Gordon, 232
Rohrer, J., 217
Ross, Mark S., 230
Rossi, L., 128, 178
Russell, Ann, 159
Ryan, Michael J., 230
S&B Engineers & Constructors, 210, 220
Santucci, L., 128, 178
Schwerdt, Peter, 231
Scott, Marianne, 160, 161
Sebera, Donald K., 129, 199, 257
Shahani, Chandru J., 162
Sharpe, Hillary Mervyn, 232
Smith, Merrily, 142
Smith, Richard D., 5, 16, 26, 27, 28, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52,
  83, 84, 85, 102, 103, 130, 163, 164, 200, 201, 202
Sobotka, Werner K., 175
Sparks, Peter G., 103, 131, 165, 166, 167, 168, 199, 258
Spatz, Richard E., 186
Sproull, Reavis C., 19, 23
Stange, Eric, 169
Sun, Marjorie, 203
Sunderman, William J., 170
Systems Safety Society, 75
Tang, Lucia C., 41
Technology Management Corporation/Wesley-Kind Associates, 190
Texas Alkyls, 35, 216, 217
Thompson, Jack C., 204
Tokyo Agricultural and Industrial University, Agriculture Dept,
Turko, Karen, 259
Turner, Judith Axler, 205
Union Carbide, 256
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Education and Labor.

 Subcommittee on Postsecondary Education, 171
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Rules and
United States. Congress. Office of Technology Assessment, 206,
United States. Patent Office, 12, 22, 23, 27, 28, 39, 55, 56, 57,
85, 95, Ushiyama, Eiichi, 157
Van Damme, Philippe, 251
Viñas, Vicente, 60
W. J. Barrow Research Laboratory, 6, 7, 8
Wachter, Otto, 172, 173
Walker, Bernard F., 53
Wedinger, Robert S., 237
Welsh, William J., 174
Williams, John C., 30, 31, 40, 54, 55, 56, 57, 65, 90
Wilson, William K., 58, 91, 162
Yin, Joe, 217
Young, Edmond G., 18
Young, Luther, 238

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