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Subject: Seminar on preservation management

Seminar on preservation management

From: Helena M. VonVille <amigos>
Date: Monday, February 27, 1995
Preservation Management for College Libraries
July 9-17, 1995
St. John's College
Santa Fe, New Mexico

This seminar will enable academic libraries to implement effective,
decentralized strategies for preserving their general collections. The
20 applicants selected will develop priorities, an action plan, and a
timetable, as well as drafts of critical documents tailored to their own

The program is a collaborative effort of AMIGOS and the College
Libraries Committee of The Commission on Preservation and Access. The
training is predicated on the realities in college libraries, especially
available resources and the distribution of preservation activities
among several different departments. The eight-day seminar will equip
librarians to assess their institutions' preservation needs, develop
feasible solutions, establish priorities, and articulate practical

The seminar was presented in 1991 at Washington and Lee University in
Virginia and in 1993 at Wellesley College, Massachusetts, and received
enthusiastic evaluations from participants and their institutions.
References are available upon request.

Who Should Attend

The seminar will be most useful for the librarian responsible often on a
part-time basis for planning and coordinating preservation activities
for the library's circulating collection. The College Libraries
Committee will evaluate both the sponsoring library and the applicant to
select participants. Preference will be given to curriculum-supporting
academic libraries with 5 to 35 professional staff members. The
strongest applicants are those who hold a supervisory position and whose
job descriptions include responsibility for preservation planning.

Curriculum & Schedule

Participants will receive readings and a package of assignments to be
completed before the seminar. Sessions will build upon this base. The
training will be in a seminar format with extensive discussion. Most
modules will include working sessions in which attendees apply the
training to their own situations.

The seminar will begin shortly after lunch on Sunday, July 9 and
conclude at noon Monday, July 17. Sessions will run from 8:30 a.m. to
5:00 p.m. daily, and from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. most evenings.

Topics Covered

Planning and management skills will be developed within the context of
preservation program components: Introduction to Preservation Management
Nature of Library Materials Environmental Control Disaster Preparedness
Care and Handling of Library Materials Training Stack Maintenance
Personnel Library Binding Book Repair and Collections Maintenance
Replacement and Reformatting Treatment Decision-making Problems,
Priorities, and Plans Organizational Models Resource Allocation and
Funding Managing a Decentralized Program Next Steps...Short Term Actions


Lisa Fox, the nationally-recognized preservation consultant who led the
first two College Libraries Seminars, will be lead instructor. Fox
founded the SOLINET Preservation Program in 1985, and has presented over
200 lectures, workshops, and training sessions on library and archival

Jane Hedberg, Serials Librarian and Preservation Administrator at
Wellesley College, is a graduate of the 1991 seminar and was a faculty
member of the 1993 seminar. She edits the preservation column for C&RL
News and chairs the ALA Preservation in Sm all to Mid-sized Libraries
Discussion Group.

Tom Clareson, AMIGOS Preservation Service Manager, founded the APS
program in 1991 and has taught preservation planning courses on the
graduate and continuing education levels.

Additional faculty will be added for special presentations during the

Local Arrangements

The seminar will be held on the campus of St. John's College in Santa
Fe, New Mexico. Albuquerque Airport has mass transit bus service
available to Santa Fe, where transportation will be provided to and from
the campus.

Participants will stay in a dormitory on campus, with meals at the
college's cafeteria.

Additional information on the campus and community will be mailed to


The total cost for tuition, room and board (including all meals except
one lunch and dinner), and instructional materials is $1,595.
Approximately $1,050 is tuition charges, $545 for room and board.
Transportation costs are not included. Selected applicants will receive
information on a payment plan.


One scholarship for the seminar fee and up to $500 toward transportation
will be awarded. The scholarship recipient will be selected by the
College Libraries Committee based on the library's demonstrated need for
financial support, as evidenced by th e information requested below.

How to Apply

The College Libraries Committee will select 20 participants based on
their applications. A complete application packet should include:

    *   Application Cover Sheet from this brochure library director's
        statement, to include: (a) the library's commitment to
        preservation; (b) the applicant's authorization to plan and
        coordinate preservation activities in the library; (c) what this
        training will mean to the library; and (d) the library's
        commitment to provide the seminar fee and travel costs on behalf
        of the applicant. The strength and specificity of the library
        director's statement will be a major factor in the Committee's

    *   applicant's statement outlining prior preservation training and
        current preservation responsibilities

    *   applicant's vita

    *   narrative and data supporting the institution's financial need,
        if the applicant is to be considered for the scholarship.

Applications must be postmarked by March 30, 1995. Applicants will be
notified of the Committee's decision by May 1.

Planning Committee

The seminar is the product of a collaborative effort involving AMIGOS,
The Commission on Preservation and Access, and the Commission's College
Libraries Committee, composed of the following library directors:
Barbara J. Brown, Washington and Lee University; David Cohen, University
of Charleston; Michael Haeuser, Gustavus Adolphus College, Willis E.
Bridegam, Amherst College; Victoria Hanawalt, Reed College; Caroline M.
Coughlin, Drew University; and Kathleen Moretto Spencer, Franklin &
Marshall College, Chair.

For more information contact

    Tom Clareson
    AMIGOS Preservation Service Manager
    800-843-8482 or 214-851-8000
    clareson [at] amigos__org

Application Cover Sheet
Library Name:_______________________________________

Phone: (____)________________________
Fax: (_____)_________________________
E-mail Address:________________________

Institution Profile:
Total enrollment __________________% undergraduate__________
Library staff size:               _________librarians (FTE)
                                  _________other staff (FTE)
Collection size (approx.):        _________volumes

Total library budget:          $ _________________
These figures are from:
                     [  ]    current year's actual budget
                     [  ]    next year's projected budget
[ ] Please consider me for the scholarship. I have included the
    necessary information in my application packet.
[ ] I do not wish to be considered for the scholarship.

Send this cover sheet with your completed application packet, postmarked
by March 30, 1995, to:

    Preservation Seminar
    AMIGOS Bibliographic Council, Inc.
    12200 Park Central Drive, Suite 500
    Dallas, Texas  75251

                  Conservation DistList Instance 8:69
                Distributed: Tuesday, February 28, 1995
                        Message Id: cdl-8-69-011
Received on Monday, 27 February, 1995

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