Subject: Preservation Administration Discussion Group meeting
PADG Meeting February 14th, 2-5 p.m. Library of Congress, Madison Building Mumford Room Schedule 2:00 Introduction. John F. Dean, Cornell University, and Winston Atkins, North Carolina State University are co-chairs, and will provide a brief description of PADG and its general objectives. Review of the agenda. Informational announcements from participants. 2:20 George Farr, NEH. An update on the Federal budget and how this will affect NEH over the next budget year. Also a brief description of the review process for the AMERITECH digitization proposals. Questions from participants on NEH and funding priorities. 2:40 Chandru Shahani, Library of Congress.. A discussion of the work of the research laboratory, and updates on work on micro-environments, mass-deacidification, etc. 3:00 Janet Gertz, Columbia University; Norman Koning, Carmen Thompson, 3M Corporation. Discussion of issues relating to the labeling of electronic discs and the longevity of labels. 3:20 Jan Merrill Oldham, Harvard, and Basil Manns, Library of Congress. A discussion of digital imaging, and some of the problems relating to "preservation" and "archiving." 3:40 Nancy Elkington, Research Libraries Group. PRESERV report on recent activities. 4:00 Regina Sinclair, University of Iowa. Discussion of whether, and how, new technologies are affecting our priorities and overall planning for preservation. 4:20 Barbara Berger, Cornell University. Introduction of the new PADG electronic list and distribution of a list sign-up sheet and questionnaire. 4:40 General discussion. Structure of PADG. Should PADG discussion topics be primarily reflective of the interests of ARL libraries? Any new business arising from the participants. Topics and ideas for the San Francisco meeting. 5:00 Meeting Adjourned. John F. Dean Director and Conservation Librarian 214 Olin Library Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 607-255-9687 Fax: 607-254-7493 *** Conservation DistList Instance 10:65 Distributed: Friday, January 17, 1997 Message Id: cdl-10-65-017 ***Received on Thursday, 16 January, 1997