Subject: UV lamps
Alexandra Greathead <<-a t->gtnet< . >gov< . >uk> writes >I am researching the use of UV lamps and would like information on >exposure times. How long is a safe exposure time for the document? >How long a rest before that document is subjected to another >session? I have a follow-up question regarding the use of long or short wave UV lamp illumination for examining works on paper. Could anyone point me to resources in the literature? Regards, Ramona Duncan-Huse Head of Conservation Indiana Historical Society Library 315 W. Ohio Street Indianapolis, IN 46202 317-232-1879 Fax: 317-233-3109 *** Conservation DistList Instance 11:24 Distributed: Thursday, September 11, 1997 Message Id: cdl-11-24-016 ***Received on Wednesday, 10 September, 1997