Subject: Discussion on non-book materials in libraries
"Those Pesky Accompanying Materials" was the subject of the brown bag discussion sponsored by CAPNet (Capital Area Preservation Network) on 10th June 1997 at the Library of Congress. A panel of five librarians were invited to discuss pocket materials, and samples of various storage and security solutions were shown. The presentations and sample demonstrations were very informative and they provoked a productive exchange of questions and views amongst the participants. **** Moderator's comments: This is a truncated posting. The complete text, including a list of companies providing samples of housing/security solutions, and an annotated bibliography, is found in CoOL <URL:> *** Conservation DistList Instance 11:31 Distributed: Wednesday, October 1, 1997 Message Id: cdl-11-31-001 ***Received on Wednesday, 1 October, 1997