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Subject: Conference on metal conservation

Conference on metal conservation

From: Jack Ogden <jack>
Date: Wednesday, July 4, 2001
Exposure 2001
Corrosion, Conservation and Study of Historic Metals in Situ, on
Display and in Storage.
Hildesheim, Germany
November 7-10, 2001

Hosted by the Fachhochschule Hildesheim/Holzminden/Gottingen.
Organiser Jack Ogden

November 7: Evening registration, reception and welcome in Roemer
and Pelizaeus Museum
November 8-9:  Full day Conference
November 10: Morning Conference. Afternoon optional excursion to
Goslar Mining Museum.

The Conference will deal primarily with the following themes:

    *   Metal Corrosion and the Atmosphere

    *   Conservation Issues Relating to the Storage and Display of
        Historic Metalwork with Special Reference to Precious Metals
        and Cathedral Treasuries

A major role of the conference is to help identify priority areas
within European conservation teaching and research so as to help
best develop the proposed new metal conservation section within the
existing Department of Conservation, at FH

Provisional list of papers (liable to some alternation)

    Bart Ankersmit
    Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage
    Breathing showcases and the tarnishing of silver

    Michael Brand
    Dom Museum, Hildesheim
    Aspekte der Konservierung am Hildesheimer Dom

    Kerstin Brendel
    Bayerisches Landesamt fur Denkmalpflege, Munchen
    Die Restaurierungsarbeiten an den Augsburger Prachtbrunnen von
    Adriaen de Vries und Hubert Gerhard

    C. Degrigny, D. Witschard, F. Schweizer, M. Degli Agosti
    Laboratoire des musees d'art et d'histoire, Geneve
    Electrolytic cleaning of the gilded silver plates of the Shrine
    of St Sigsismond's children

    Michel Dubus
    Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musees de France,
    Measurements of the atmospheric corrosion of copper and silver
    in museum environment

    Gerhard Eggert
    Staatl. Akademie der Bildenden Kuenste, Stuttgart
    The formation of black spots on bronzes exposed to the
    atmosphere: their study, cause and conservation treatment

    Agnes Gall-Ortlik
    Corning, NY
    The specificity of the conservation of enamels on metal

    Annamaria Giuusti
    Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Florence and
    Salvatore Siano
    Instituto di Elettronica Quantistica, CNR, Florence
    Conservation problems and perspectives of the Porta del
    Paradisoby Lorenzo Ghiberti

    Elisabeth Krebs
    Die Restaurierung des 7-armigen Bronzeleuchters aus dem
    Braunschweiger Dom

    Robert van Langh
    Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage
    The delamination of mercury gilded silver

    Franz Leonhard Schott
    Bayerischen Nationalmuseum, Munich
    Mittelalterliches transluzidfarbiges Email auf Silber

    Paola Letardi
    CNR- ICMM, Genova
    Protective coating systems for outdoor sculpture: Weathering
    tests in marine environment

    Martin Mach
    Bayerisches Landesamt fur Denkmalpflege, Munchen
    Protect our Bronze Monuments

    Helge Brinch Madsen
    School of Conservation, Denmark
    Black, brown and lustrous black spots on prehistoric bronzes

    W.A. Oddy
    The British Museum
    The 'Oddy Test' twenty years on

    Jack Ogden
    FH Hildesheim/Holzminden/Gottingen, Hildesheim
    Metal conservation in Hildesheim

    Josef Riederer
    Rathgen-Forschungslabor, Berlin

    E.L. Richter
    Mittelalterliche Goldschmiedearbeiten und
    Restaurierungstendenzen des 19. Jahrhunderts

    Katharina Schmidt-Ott
    Schweizerisches Landesmuseum, Zurich
    Plasmareduktion von Silberoberflachen

    Karen Stemann
    School of Conservation, Denmark
    Electrolytic cleaning tests on silver gilt threads on silk

Other Events:

    Evening view and reception at the Roemer and Pelizaues Museum,

    Evening view and reception at the Dom Museum, Hildesheim

Participation fee - DM 250 (Euro 127,82)
Full time Students on recognised conservation training courses DM
100 (Euro 51,13)

For a registration form and other details please email
exposure2001 [at] striptwist__com or fax: +49 5121 881 567 marked for the
attention of Jack Ogden

Please note I will be away until 1st August. Registration forms etc
will be sent out after this date.

Dr Jack Ogden
Specialist for the technology of ancient and historic metals and
jewellery University of Applied Arts and Sciences
Bismarkplatz 10/11, D-31134 Hildesheim, Germany
Fax: +49 5121 881 386

                  Conservation DistList Instance 15:9
                   Distributed: Friday, July 6, 2001
                        Message Id: cdl-15-9-004
Received on Wednesday, 4 July, 2001

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