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Subject: September 11, 2001

September 11, 2001

From: Miriam Kahn <mbkcons>
Date: Thursday, January 10, 2002
    **** Moderator's comments: Please respond directly to the

I am nearing the end of the revision stage of my book on "Disaster
Response and Planning for Libraries" due out from ALA in Dec 2002.
In it are case studies of how libraries and archives survived
disasters and damage.  I would like to write a case study about the
libraries and archives and even museums what were physically or
technologically affected by the destruction of the World Trade
Center and the Pentagon.  Most particularly I'm interested in how
the libraries / archives were affected and then how they resumed
operations--providing information, re-created their holdings, that
sort of thing.

I know this is a difficult topic to think about and deal with and
wish to approach it in a constructive manner.

Do you know any librarians or archivists who would be willing to
talk or write to me of their experiences?

Please send your suggestions and comments to me directly. I will
send the case studies to the list after they are completed.

Miriam Kahn, MLS
MBK Consulting
60 N. Harding Road
Columbus, OH  43209-1524
614-239-8977 Fax: 614-239-0599

                  Conservation DistList Instance 15:49
                Distributed: Saturday, January 12, 2002
                       Message Id: cdl-15-49-009
Received on Thursday, 10 January, 2002

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