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Subject: Fellowship at National Gallery of Art

Fellowship at National Gallery of Art

From: Michael Skalka <mska>
Date: Tuesday, March 19, 2002
Samuel Golden Fellowship for Research into Modern Painting Materials
National Gallery of Art
Washington DC

The conservation division of the National Gallery of Art is offering
a new fellowship in its scientific research department.  This
fellowship, dedicated to the memory of Samuel Golden and supported
by Golden Artist Colors, is for a two-year period, with a possible
renewal for a third year. The stipend will be commensurate with
experience of the incumbent.  The fellowship is directed toward
research into modern painting materials, specifically the study of
the effects that cleaning may have on acrylic emulsion paintings. To
this end, components of acrylic emulsion paints that are extractable
in various solvents or aqueous cleaning agents will be determined.
Changes in the composition and properties of the paints as a result
of aging and cleaning will be investigated.

Eligibility: The incumbent must have a graduate degree in chemistry
or equivalent training and be familiar with analysis of organic and
polymeric materials, in particular using gas chromatography - mass
spectrometry and Fourier-transform infrared spectrometry.  A strong
interest in art conservation is required and knowledge of modern
painting materials is desirable.  A proven record of research and
writing ability as well as English language skills are required.
Fellowships are awarded without regard to age, sex, nationality, or
race.  Selected finalists who are not United States citizens must
provide proof of their own health insurance coverage during the
fellowship period.

Application Procedure: Interested candidates must submit the
following material in English:

    *   Transcripts of both undergraduate and graduate courses of
        academic study (although official transcripts are preferred,
        unofficial copies are acceptable)

    *   A curriculum vitae including basic biographical information,
        current and permanent addresses, and telephone numbers

    *   A short statement of the applicant's interests and intent in
        applying for the fellowship

    *   Reprints of any publications or lectures

    *   Two supporting letters of recommendation from professionals
        familiar with the candidate's work and one letter of
        personal reference (sent directly to the address below)

Applications should be sent by express mail service to:

    Michael Skalka, Conservation Administrator
    Conservation Division, National Gallery of Art
    Washington, D.C. 20565

Email address for inquiries only: m-skalka [at] nga__gov

                  Conservation DistList Instance 15:63
                  Distributed: Tuesday, March 19, 2002
                       Message Id: cdl-15-63-034
Received on Tuesday, 19 March, 2002

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