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Subject: Abstracts on indoor air pollution

Abstracts on indoor air pollution

From: Morten Ryhl-Svendsen <morten.ryhl-svendsen>
Date: Tuesday, March 26, 2002
The presentation abstracts from the Indoor Air Pollution Working
Group meeting in Copenhagen, November 2001, are now accessible

All abstracts are directly accessible from the IAP Homepage as
normal web pages (HTML format). Furthermore, this year the
contributions are also collated in a PDF document, which is ready
for download and print-out.

The abstract volume contains the following contributions:

    Microclimate: A difficult variable in museums
    Dario Camuffo, Giovanni Sturaro, Adriana Bernardi, Emanuela
    Pagan, and Francesca Becherini

    Surface reactions of deposited NO2 in the museum environment
    Peter Brimblecombe, Michele Raychaudhuri, and Derek Bowden

    Copper and lead corrosion in carbonyl environments
    Jean Tetreault, Emilio Cano, Maarten van Bommel, and David Scott

    Measurement of case exchange rates and the use of such
    Hubertus Ankersmit, Maximiliano Lebidinsky, and Simon F. Watts

    Non-spherical holes and wavy tracer gas decay curves. A
    comparison of theory and real life with respect to leakage of
    display cases
    Frank Ligterink, Hubertus Ankersmit, and Maarten van Bommel

    The ventilation of enclosures to reduce internally generated
    pollutants and simple techniques to measure air exchange rates
    within enclosures: Report on progress to date
    Andrew Calver

    The conservation of ceramics contaminated with acid induced
    salts: Necessity of a multi-disciplinary approach
    Lieve Halsberghe

    Clearing the air: communicating air quality issues to museum
    staff and responding to external accusations at the National
    Gallery of Australia
    Janet Hughes and Steve Hennessy

    Indoor environment engineering for heritage conservation: Report
    from a workshop at the Clima2000 conference
    Liveo de Santoli

    Does monitoring in a museum help to improve environmental
    conditions?--or--The Monitoring at the Germanic National Museum,
    Nurnberg, and its consequences
    Arnulf von Ulmann

    The fight against indoor air pollution
    Claire Watt and Lorraine Gibson

    Development of a damage assessment dosimeter using piezoelectric
    quartz crystals coated with egg based films
    Marianne Odlyha, Gary M. Foster, and Jonathan M. Slater

    The protection of cultural heritage and the use of diffusive
    F. De Santis, T. Dogeroglu, S. Menichelli, C. Vazzana, and I.

    Emission of organic acids from wooden construction materials in
    a small test chamber; preliminary results of optimisation of the
    Solid Phase Micro Extraction technique
    Maarten van Bommel, Bart van Elst, and Francien Broekens

    Recent improvements in SPME-GC/MS detection of acetic and formic
    acid in air
    Jens Glastrup and Morten Ryhl-Svendsen

    Measuring particulates in historic buildings: A comparison of
    Barry Knight

    Measuring soiling on vertically mounted textiles
    Richard Kibrya and Stuart Adams

    Airborne dust in a museum environment
    Anne Lisbeth Schmidt, Pernille Bronee, Kaare Kemp, and Jes

    Field determination of particle filtration efficiency
    William Esposito

    Analysis of volatile organic compounds in indoor air (Poster)
    Michail Kokonoglou and Lorraine Gibson

The entry to the new Copenhagen meeting abstracts volume (as well as
the abstracts from the previous meetings) can be found at the Indoor
Air Pollution Working Group Homepage: <URL:>

The PDF version (3.1 MB) can be downloaded directly from:

Morten Ryhl-Svendsen
National Museum of Denmark
Conservation Department

                  Conservation DistList Instance 15:65
                  Distributed: Tuesday, March 26, 2002
                       Message Id: cdl-15-65-001
Received on Tuesday, 26 March, 2002

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