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Subject: Workshop on anoxia

Workshop on anoxia

From: Melinda S. Markell <umca>
Date: Monday, April 22, 2002
Building a Low-Cost Anoxic Pest Eradication System
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
2400 Third Avenue, South Minneapolis, MN 55404
June 22, 2002

Presented by The Upper Midwest Conservation Association

For registration details, contact

    Melinda Markell
    Field Services Coordinator

    umca [at] aol__com

Fees for this one-day workshop are $85.00 for UMCA members and
$100.00 for nonmembers. This workshop will give participants
hands-on experience in building an anoxic system and using it in
their own museum.  Various systems, materials, and techniques will
be introduced. In addition, participants will learn how to use a
monitoring system for pest eradication in museum artifacts,
textiles, costumes, books and etc.

The presenter will be Mr. John Burke, Director of Conservation and
Chief Conservator at the Oakland Museum of California.

Stipends are available for qualified applicants. Deadline for
registration is June 1st 2002, please call for availability after
this date.

Melinda S. Markell
Field Services Coordinator

                  Conservation DistList Instance 15:72
                  Distributed: Tuesday, April 23, 2002
                       Message Id: cdl-15-72-011
Received on Monday, 22 April, 2002

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