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Subject: Winterthur Research Fellowships awarded

Winterthur Research Fellowships awarded

From: Gretchen Buggeln <gbuggeln>
Date: Thursday, May 9, 2002
Winterthur Museum is pleased to announce twenty-five research
fellowship appointments for 2002-2003.  For information about the
research program, please visit <URL:>.

    National Endowment for the Humanities Fellows

        William Gleason
        Associate Professor, Dept. of English, Princeton University
        "Sites Unseen: Architecture, Race, and American Literature"

        Stephanie Foote
        Associate Professor, Dept. of English and Women's Studies,
        University of Illinois, Urbana
        "Imitation People: Parvenus and Class Desire in
            Nineteenth-Century American Culture"

    McNeil Dissertation Fellows

        Peter John Brownlee
        Dept. of American Studies, The George Washington University
        "The Economy of the Eyes: Vision and the Cultural Production
            of Market Revolution, 1828-1855"

        Ellen Avits Menefee
        Dept. of Art History, University of Delaware
        "Live the Dream: The Rhetoric of the Furnished Model Home in
            Late Twentieth-Century America"

        Cynthia Munro
        Dept. of English, University of Delaware
        "Words and Stitches: Language, Labor, and Identity in
            Women's Literary and Textile Production"

        Catherine L. Whalen
        Dept. of American Studies, Yale University
        "Anglophilia, Anglo-Saxonism and the Colonial Revival:
            Rescuing, Recreating and Reappropriating Anglo-American
            Identity in Connecticut, 1890-1940"

    Hagley-Winterthur Fellows

        Christopher Augerson
        Conservator of Painted and Gilt Surfaces, Coach Museum,
        Versailles, France
        "Archival and Related Studies on Carriage Painting in
            America, 1785-1915"

        Elaine Eff
        Director, Cultural Conservation Program, Maryland Historical
            "Landscape Painted Screens: The Union of Art and Wire"

        Lara Kriegel
        Assistant Professor, Dept. of History, Florida International
        "Britain by Design: Industrial Culture, Imperial Display,
            and the Making of South Kensington, 1835-1886"

        Michael Murphy
        Doctoral Candidate, Dept. of Art History and Archaeology,
        Washington University, St. Louis
        "J. C. Leyendecker and Arrow Collars: Costume, Advertising,
            and Male Gender in American Visual Culture"

    Faith Andrews Shaker Fellows

        Mary Ann Haagen
        Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Music, Dartmouth College
            "J.H. Elkins: Shaker Life and Life after Shaker"

        Ilyon Woo
        Doctoral Candidate, Dept. of English and Comparative
        Literature, Columbia University
        "Backsliders, Bad Apples, and Troublesome, Unsound,
            Rotten-hearted Hypocrites: Antebellum Shaker Apostates
            and the Shaker Literary Tradition"

    Robert Lee Gill Fellows

        Lynne Z. Bassett
        Costume Specialist, Connecticut Historical Society
            "Design Influences on American Whole-Cloth Wool Quilts"

        Joshua W. Lane
        Assistant Curator of Furniture, Historic Deerfield, Inc.
        "The Woodworkers of Windsor: A Connecticut Community of
            Furniture Craftsmen and their World"

        Catherine Miller Lanford
        Doctoral Candidate, Dept. of History of Art, Yale University
        "Reflecting Refinement: Silver Metal in Antebellum Boston"

    Dwight P. Lanmon Fellow

        David Roger Pomfret
        Independent Scholar, Lancashire, England
        "Exports of Staffordshire Wares to the USA with Particular
            Reference to the Bleak Hill Site"

    Winterthur Fellows

        Marilyn Casto
        Associate Professor, Dept. of Near Environments, Virginia
        "Bringing Nature Indoors: Natural History in Nineteenth and
            Early Twentieth Century Interiors"

        Melissa Duffes
        Independent Scholar, Oakton, VA
        "A Delicate Balance: Wrought and cast-iron garden furniture
            at Winterthur"

        C. Dallett Hemphill
        Professor, Dept. of History, Ursinus College
            "A History of Siblings in Early America"

        Elizabeth Hutchinson
        Assistant Professor, Dept. of Art History, Barnard
        College/Columbia University
        "Progressivist Primitivism: Gender, Nationalism, and Native
            American Art, 1890-1915"

        Julia A. King
        Director, Maryland Archaeological Conservation Lab
        "Collecting Landscapes of History in Eighteenth and
            Nineteenth-Century America"

        Stephen Long
        Curator, Lower East Side Tenement Museum
        "Papering over Adversity: Wallpaper in Urban Working-Class
            Homes, 1880-1930"

        Barbara Penner
        Doctoral Candidate, Humanities, University College London
        "Visions of Love and Luxury: Nineteenth-Century Bridal
            Trousseaux and Gifts"

        Cheryl Robertson
        Independent Scholar, Cambridge, Massachusetts
        "Byrdcliffe Arts and Crafts Colony: Architecture for

        Wendy Weiss
        Associate Professor, Dept. of  Textiles, Clothing and
        Design, University of Nebraska
        "Integrating Handweaving and Electronic Technology in
            Textile Art Based on French, English, German and
            American Weaving Manuals and Swatch Books in the Downs

                  Conservation DistList Instance 15:76
                   Distributed: Friday, May 10, 2002
                       Message Id: cdl-15-76-012
Received on Thursday, 9 May, 2002

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