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Subject: Course on historic buildings, collections and sites--corrigendum

Course on historic buildings, collections and sites--corrigendum

From: Penny Jones <pjones>
Date: Monday, December 2, 2002
Due to an error in the November 2002 AIC News Courses, Conferences,
and Seminars column (Vol.27, No.6), below is the correct listing for
a course offered by the Getty Conservation Institute and University
College London. (For the original posting, see Conservation DistList
Instance: 16:25 Wednesday, October 2, 2002)

Historic Buildings, Collections and Sites: Sustainable Strategies
    for Conservation, Management and Use
June 16-27, 2003

Participants in this workshop will also complete a series of
exercises and readings during a preparatory phase (April 1 - May
30). For further information and application forms, go to
or <URL:>; or
e-mail:sustainableheritage [at] ucl__ac__uk or gcieducation [at] getty__edu

    **** Moderator's comments: The above URL has been wrapped for
    email. There should be no newline.

                  Conservation DistList Instance 16:37
                Distributed: Wednesday, December 4, 2002
                       Message Id: cdl-16-37-017
Received on Monday, 2 December, 2002

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