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Subject: Certification


From: Pete Sixbey <pete.sixbey>
Date: Thursday, December 12, 2002
Antoinette Dwan <adwan [at] sonic__net> writes

>... There is a
>parallel group practicing and treating probably more artifacts than
>ever show up in any museum labs during any year.

I would suggest that there is a parallel group out there that is
practicing conservation/preservation at a level as high or higher
than most program-trained or even traditional apprentice-trained
"conservators". Though, there is no hard proof to support either of
these positions. It is this second group that I have relied very
heavily over the past 25 years for knowledge,hand skills and new
insights. I believe  this "we" against" they" attitude  has been
very detrimental in the "profession". One of the dangers of
certification is the further exclusion of these groups. Resources
would be better allocated to providing training and better avenues
for sharing and building information.

                  Conservation DistList Instance 16:40
                Distributed: Thursday, December 19, 2002
                       Message Id: cdl-16-40-006
Received on Thursday, 12 December, 2002

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