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Subject: Course on illuminated manuscripts

Course on illuminated manuscripts

From: Emma Garcia <emma<-a>
Date: Saturday, April 26, 2008
Illuminated Manuscripts: Past, Present and Future
September 24-27, 2008

The course will consist of lectures on the nature of the illustrated
manuscript, the conditions of its conservation, interventions to
preserve manuscripts, proper preservation, and the restoration of
illuminated works. The lectures will take place at the Museum of
Fine Arts, San Pio V., Valencia, Spain.  The course will include a
visit to the archives of the Cathedral of Valencia and the
historical library of the University of Valencia.


    Writing supports: The classification of supports

    Papyrus: origin and elaboration. Types of papyrus

    Parchment: origin and elaboration. Palimpsests

    Paper: origin and elaboration. Watermarks. Kinds of papers

    The copyist's writing materials

    Book typology

    Codicology. Gathering composition. Page composition

    Manuscript decoration and illustration. Inks and pigments. Types
    of decoration. Illustrated manuscripts Binding in medieval codex

    Causes of deterioration and restoration in proteinic supports.
    Practical examples

    Deterioration and restoration in cellulosic supports. Practical

    Restoring Binding. Practical examples

    Conservation policies


The course is open to a maximum of 150 students. It  will be
selected by strict order of registration.

Organization: GEIIC (Grupo espanol. International Institute for
Conservation of historic and artistic works)/ IVACOR (Instituto
Valenciano de Conservacion y Restauracion) For complete programme
and further information, please visit


Emma Garcia
GEIIC, Spain

                  Conservation DistList Instance 21:59
                   Distributed: Saturday, May 3, 2008
                       Message Id: cdl-21-59-013
Received on Saturday, 26 April, 2008

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