Subject: Giving back to CoOL
CoOL has supported you, but have you supported CoOL? No matter what flavor of conservator you might be, Conservation OnLine hosts resources that better our field. Whether researching and reading through early JAIC issues or AIC Specialty Group post-prints or asking questions and posting jobs on the DistList, CoOL is the forum where conservators from around the world come together to share our knowledge in order to better serve our heritage. Even though I have posted queries, researched treatments, and found both co-workers and jobs on CoOL, until recently, I never financially supported this key resource. I always assumed that whatever little sum I could give wouldn't even be a drop in the bucket for CoOL's annual operating expenses. And frankly, what I now give won't make a difference on its own. However, every donation, no matter how small, makes a big difference to the large institutional donors who want to see that the professionals who benefit from CoOL are committed to supporting its continuing operations themselves. Our little donations lead to more and bigger donations. And the profession benefits from all of them. So, now is the point in this letter where I ask you to go to <URL:> and consider making a small donation to support a resource that we have all used in the past year. Don't worry about making a big donation (unless you want to and can afford to!). Think about making coffee at home tomorrow, skipping Starbucks, and giving that $5. Think about bringing a brown bag lunch to the lab, office, or studio every day next week, and giving that $25. Think about what your small sign of commitment to CoOL means in the larger picture of institutional support. You also get a cool ribbon for your nametag at the AIC Annual Meeting, in case you are driven by tangible rewards. Thank you for your participation and support. Sincerely, Fletcher Durant *** Conservation DistList Instance 28:29 Distributed: Monday, December 15, 2014 Message Id: cdl-28-29-001 ***Received on Thursday, 11 December, 2014