TexCons - Subject Thread Index for Aug 2003
Last updated: Mon Feb 16 21:26:53 GMT 2004
26 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in
reverse chronological order
Textile Storage,
Matthew Scott
Newbie Needs Help did not post,
Jennifer Hein
NATCC Publicity - Please post before registration early bird deadline - September 1, 2003,
Claudia Iannuccilli
AW: Disinfection and mothproofing,
Riley, Angelika
Insect identification & monitoring,
Mary Ballard
Newbie Textile Help,
Jennifer Hein
Newbie Needs Help!,
Judy Kelius (judysue)
mothproofing deterent,
Jennifer Hein
Pressure Mounting Workshop Reminder,
Deborah Bede
[no subject],
So, Tanya
Disinfection and mothproofing,
Riley, Angelika
Mold safety guidelines,
Dorothy S. Alig
upholstery and quilts,
Deborah Bede
Upholstery seminar???,
Frisina, Ann
call for papers,
Paul Wyeth
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