"Abbey
Useful address
1. Organizations
- AICCM (Australian Institute for Conservation of Cultural Material)
- 21 Bedford St., Ste. 205, N. Melborne Australia (03 9326 9851, Fax
03 9326 7272)
- email: aircm@mateing.asn.au
- <http://www.aiccm.org.au/aiccm/home>
- American Institute for Conservation (AIC)
- 1717 K St. NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20006 (202/452-9545, Fax
- e-mail: info@aic-faic.org
- <http://aic.stanford.edu>
- American Library Association/ ALCTS/PARS
- 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 (800/545-2433, Fax
- e-mail: ala@ala.org
- <http://www.ala.org>
- American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
- 25 W. 43rd St., New York, NY 10036 (212/642-4900, Fax 398-0023)
- <http://web.ansi.org>
- AMIA (Association of Moving Image Archivists)
- 1313 N. Vine St., Hollywood, CA 90028 (323/463-1500, Fax
- e-mail: amia@amianet.org
- <http://www.amianet.org/>
- AMIGOS Library Services
- 14400 Midway Rd., Dallas, TX 75244-3509 (800-843-8482, Fax
- e-mail: amigos@amigos.org
- <http://www.amigos.org>
- Association of Research Libraries (ARL)
- 21 Dupont Circle, Washington, DC 20036 (202/296-2296, Fax
- <http://www.arl.org>
- ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials)
- 100 Barr Harbor Dr., W. Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 (610/832-9585,
Fax 832-9555)
- <http://www.astm.org>
- Canadian Association for Conservation (CAC, formerly IIC-CG )
- 280 Metcalfe St #400, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1R7, Canada
(613/567-0099, Fax 617/233-5348)
- <http://www.cac-accr.ca>
- Canadian Bookbinders & Book Artists Guild (CBBAG)
- 176 John St., Suite 309, Toronto, Ontario M5T 1X5, Canada
(416/581-1071, Fax 416/581-1053)
- e-mail: cbbag@web.net
- <http://www.cbbag.ca/>
- Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI)
- 1030 Innes Rd., Ottawa, Ont. K1A 0M5, Canada (613/998-3721, Fax
- e-mail: cci-icc_services@pch.gc.ca
- <http://www.cci-icc.gc.ca>
- Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR, formerly CLR)
- 1755 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20036-2188
(202/939-4750, Fax 939-4765)
- e-mail: info@clir.org
- <http://www.clir.org>
- Designer Bookbinders
- 6 Queen Square, London WC1 3AR, England
- Friends of Dard Hunter
- P.O. Box 773, Lake Oswego, OR 97034
- <http://friendsofdardhunter.org>
- Getty Conservation Institute
- 1200 Getty Center Dr. Ste. 700, Los Angeles, CA 90049-1684
(310/440-7325, Fax 440-7702)
- <http://www.getty.edu/gci>
- Grade Finders, Inc.
- 662 Exton Commons, Exton, PA 19341 (610/524-7070 fax 610/524-8912)
- <http://www.gradefinders.com>
- Guild of Book Workers (GBW)
- 521 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10175
- <http://palimpsest.stanford.edu/byorg/gbw>
- Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center (HRHRC)
- University of Texas at Austin, PO Box 7219, Austin, TX 78713-7219
- e-mail: hrcweb@hrc.utexas.edu
- <http://www.hrc.utexas.edu>
- Heritage Preservation
- 1730 K St. NW, Suite 566, Washington, DC 20006-3836 (202/634-1422,
Fax 634-1435)
- <http://www.heritagepreservation.org>
- Renate van Issem, UB-Göttingen, Papendiek 14, D-37073
Göttingen, Germany (49-5 51/39 52 02,
- Fax 51/39 52 88)
- <http://palimpsest.stanford.edu/iada>
- ICA (Internat'l Council on Archives)
- 60 rue des Francs-Bourgeois,
- F-75003 Paris, France
- <http://www.ica.org/>
- Via di San Michele 13, I-00153 Rome, Italy (39 6 585 531)
- e-mail: iccrom@iccrom.org
- <http://www.iccrom.org>
- IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and
- P.O. Box 95312, 2509 CH, The Hague, Netherlands (0031 70 314 0884,
Fax 0031 70 383 4827)
- e-mail: IFLA.HQ@IFLA.NL
- <http://www.ifla.org>
- IIC (International Institute for Conservation)
- 6 Buckingham St., London WC2N 6BA, England (+44 0 20 7839 5975, Fax
20 7976 1564)
- e-mail: iicon@compuserve.com>
- <http://www.iiconservation.org/>
- IPI (Image Permanence Institute)
- Rochester Institute of Technology, Gannett Bldg., 70 Lomb Memorial
Dr., Rochester, NY 14623-5604 (716/475-5199, Fax 475-7230)
- <http://www.rit.edu>
- Institute of Paper Conservation
- Leigh Lodge, Leigh, Worcester WR6 5LB, England (44 1886 832323,
Fax 833688)
- e-mail: information@ipc.org.uk
- <http://palimpsest.stanford.edu/ipc/>
- IPH (International Association of Paper Historians)
- Ludwig Ritterpusch, Wehrdaer Strasse 135, D-35041 Marburg, Germany
(49 6421 81758)
- <http://www.paperhistory.org>
- Leather Conservation Centre
- University College Campus, Baughton Green Rd., Northampton, NN2 7AN,
England (44 1604 719766)
- email: lcc@northampton.ac.uk
- Library of Congress (LC), Office of the Preservation Directorate
- 101 Independence Ave., Washington, DC 20540 (202/707-5213)
- <http://lcweb.loc.gov>
- NAGARA (Nat'l Assoc. of Govt. Archivists & Records
- 48 Howard St., Albany, NY 12207 (518/463-8644, Fax 463-8656)
- e-mail: nagara@caphill.com
- <http://www.nagara.org/>
- National Archives & Records Administration (NARA), Preservation
Policy & Services Division
- 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20408 (800-234-8861)
- <http://www.archives.gov>
- National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), Division of
Preservation & Access
- 1100 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20506 (202/606-8570, Fax
- email: preservation@neh.gov
- <http://www.neh.fed.us>
- NISO (National Information Standards Organization)
- 4733 Bethesda Ave., Suite 300, Bethesda, MD 20814 (301/654-2512,
Fax 654-1721)
- e-mail: nisohq@niso.org
- <http://www.niso.org>
- NISO Press (800/282-NISO)
- Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC)
- 100 Brickstone Square, Andover, MA 01810 (978/470-1010, Fax
- <http://www.nedcc.org>
- RLG (Research Libraries Group) Preservation Service
- 1200 Villa St., Mountain View, CA 94041-1100 (800-537-7546,
650/691-2333 outside U.S., Fax 650/964-0943) e-mail:
- <http://www.rlg.org/toc.html>
- SAA (Soc. of American Archivists)
- 527 S. Wells St., 5th Floor, Chicago, IL 60607 (312/922-0140, Fax
- e-mail: info@archivists.org
- <http://www.archivists.org>
- Preservation Services,
- 1438 W. Peachtree St., NW, Suite 200, Atlanta, GA 30309-2955
(404/892-0943; 800/999-8558)
- <http://www.solinet.net>
- University of Texas, Preservation & Conservation Studies
- School of Information, UT-Austin, 1 University Station D7000,
Austin, TX 78712 (512/471-8290 fax 512/471-8285)
- e-mail: pcs@ischool.utexas.edu
- <http://sentra.ischool.utexas.edu/programs/pcs/>
2. Publications
Most of the above organizations have newsletters, and some have
journals as well. Addresses of publications not found in the
following list are often given in the Abbey Newsletter and can be
found through the annual index.
- Abbey Newsletter
- 7105 Geneva Dr, Austin, TX 78723 (512/929-3992, fax 929-3995)
- e-mail: abbeypub@grandecom.net
- <http://palimpsest.stanford.edu/byorg/abbey>
- Archival Outlook - See SAA
- Binders' Guild Newsletter
- Susan Lunas, 2925 Powell St.,
- Eugene, Oregon 97405
- (514/485-6527) e-mail: bookbinder@rgisp.com
- Book and Paper Group
Annual - See AIC
- Conservation DistList
- e-mail: request@COOL.stanford.edu
- Conservation OnLine (CoOL)
- <http://palimpsest.stanford.edu/>
- Gazette du Livre Médiévale
- C.N.R.S.-LAMOP, 7 rue Guy-Moquet B.P.8, F-94801 Villejuif Cedex,
France (Fax 33 1 49583665)
- e-mail: gazlimed@vjf.cnrs.fr
- <http://www.oeaw.ac.at/ksbm/glm/glm.htm>
- Guild of Book Workers Newsletter and Journal -
- Information Standards Quarterly - See NISO
- International Preservation News (IFLA)
- <http://www.ifla.org/VI/4/#4b>
- PAC International Focal Point
- Bibliotheque nationale de France, T3 N4, Quai Francois Mauriac 75706
Paris cedex 13, France
- (33 1 53 79 59 70, Fax 33 1 53 79 59 80)
- e-mail: marie-therese.varlamoff@bnf.fr
- Leather Conservation News
- Attn: Paul Storch, Ed., Minnesota Historical Center, 345 Kellogg
Blvd. W., St. Paul, MN 55102-1906 (651/297-5774, Fax 651-297-2967)
- e-mail: paul.storch@mnhs.org
- Mold Reporter
- 7105 Geneva Dr., Austin, TX 78723
- (512/929-3992, fax 929-3995)
- e-mail: abbeypub@grandecom.net
- <http://moldreporter.org>
- NPO Journal
- British Library, 96 Euston Rd, London, NW1 2DB England (44 0 20
7412 7612, Fax 44 0 20 7412 7796)
- e-mail: npo@bl.uk
- <http://www.bl.uk/services/preservation/journal.html>
- New Library Scene
- 70 East Lake Street, Suite 300
- Chicago, IL 60601 (312/704-5020, fax 312/704-5025)
- e-mail: mkapinos@lbibinders.org
- <http://www.lbibinders.org>
- Paper Conservator and Paper Conservation News - See Institute of Paper
- Restaurator
- Editor: Helmut Bansa, Elisabethstrasse 23, D-80796 Munich, Germany
- WAAC Newsletter (Western Association for Art Conservation)
- Editor: Carolyn Tallent, 826 Centinela Ave., Santa Monica, CA 90403
- e-mail: tallent@leonardo.net