Volume 1, Number 7
Dec 1976
Literature Currently Available
John Dean, formerly Binder at the Newberry
Library in Chicago, now Collections Maintenance Officer
with the Milton Eisenhower Library,
Johns Hopkins University, last year completed a
master's thesis in library science, entitled "English
Language Bookbinding Manuals in the Context of the History of
English Bookbinding." It is a unique, enlightened analysis
with a 68-item annotated bibliography and a short appendix
recommending the best of the lot. For beginning amateurs he
recommends the following three books:
- Forsyth, K. Marjorie. Bookbinding for Teachers, Students,
Amateurs. London: Black, 1932.
- Lewis, Arthur William. Basic Bookbinding. New
York: Dover, 1957.
- Robinson, Ivor. Introducing Bookbinding. London:
Batsford; New York: Watson-Guptill, 1968.
For the advanced amateur and apprentice:
- Cockerell, Douglas Bennett. Bookbinding
and the Care of Books. London: Pitman, 1955.
- Mason, John. Bookbinding and Ruling. London:
Pitman, 1933.
- Pleger, John J. Bookbinding and its Auxiliary
Branches. Chicago: Inland Printer, 1914.
- Vaughan, Alexander J. Modern Bookbinding. London:
Skilton, 1960.
For the "reader with extensive bookbinding experience" he
- Harrison, T. Fragments of Bookbinding Technique.
London: Printed by W. Pearce and Co., 196-.
- Middleton, Bernard C. The Restoration of Leather
Bindings. Chicago: American Library Association, 1972.
He may be able to furnish copies of his thesis for a price, to
interested parties.