The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 5, Number 1
Feb 1981

Columbia Programs Announced

A joint preliminary announcement from the School of Library Science, Columbia University, and the Conservation Center, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, has appeared, bearing the title, "Conservation and Preservation Education Programs." Excerpts follow.

.The Columbia University School of Library Service will initiate two new programs in the 1981-82 academic year. Students will be admitted to both programs for the autumn term, which begins August 31, 1981.

The School will admit six students each year to the three-year conservator program, and twelve to the first year of the two-year preservation administration program. In 1981 twelve applicants who have a master's degree in library service will also be admitted to the second year of the program for preservation administration.

Program for Conservators of Library and Archival Materials

The program for conservators, which is offered jointly with the Conservation Center, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, requires 72 points of course credit to be taken in three years including two summers. The students' first two years will be devoted to formal academic study of paper chemistry, the structure and technology of record materials, their protection and care, the history of books and printing, historical and descriptive bibliography, and the administration of conservation programs. Intensive laboratory work in the treatment of materials is required throughout both years. The summer terms following the first and second years require planned summer work projects to be conducted in cooperating libraries. The third year consists of a two-term full-time internship in a working institutional conservation laboratory.

Upon successful completion of the course work and summer projects the student will receive the degree of Master of Science (Library Service) from Columbia University. A Certificate in Library and Archives Conservation will be awarded jointly by Columbia University and New York University after the internship requirement is fulfilled.

Program for Preservation Administrators

The program for preservation administrators can be taken either as a two-year program leading to a Master of Science (Library Service) degree and a Certificate for those entering without a graduate library school degree, or in one year leading to a certificate for those entering with a master's degree in library service. The first year of the two-year program the student will take courses in history of books and printing, historical and descriptive bibliography, library administration, and an introduction to library and archives conservation. The second year will be devoted to the study of conservation and the ad-ministration of preservation programs.

The one-year program for students with a previous master's degree in library service will be devoted to specialized courses in conservation, administration of preservation programs, and general management. Students in the one-year program will be required to take courses from the first year of the two-year program if they have not taken comparable courses previously.

Sixty-six points of course credit are required for the two-year program, and thirty for the one-year program. Both the two-year and one-year programs may be taken on a part-tine basis.

General Requirements for Admission

  1. A bachelor's degree
  2. A superior academic record
  3. Acceptable scores on the Aptitude Test of the Graduate Record Examination
  4. Evidence of personal maturity and professional Motivation

Requirements for the Conservator Program

In addition to meeting the above requirements, applicants for the Conservator Program must meet the following special requirements:

  1. At least one year of college level chemistry, including one semester of organic chemistry
  2. Submission of a portfolio of craft or artistic work
  3. Acceptable score on a bookcraft aptitude test, to be administered by the School of Library Service
  4. A personal interview

Requirements for the Preservation Administration Program

Applicants for the two-year program for preservation administrators must meet the general admission requirements stated above. Applicants for the one-year advanced program must have completed a master's degree in library service from a program accredited by the American Library Association.

Application Procedure

Application forms can be obtained from the School of Library Service, 516 Butler Library, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027. The application form contains instructions regarding the Graduate Record Examination, official transcripts of record, and references to be submitted. The completed form is to be returned with the application fee of $25. This fee covers part of the cost of processing the application and is therefore not returnable and is not credited toward tuition.

Applicants for the conservator program will take the bookcraft aptitude test at the tine they are interviewed for admission to the program.

Applications and all supporting documents must be received in the School Office by May 15, 1981 for the 1981-82 academic year. In subsequent years the application deadline will be March 15. Applications cannot be considered until all supporting materials are received.

Tuition and Fees

Tuition in 1980-81 has been $200 per point. It is anticipated that tuition for 1981-82 will increase by approximately ten percent. For information on the Health Service Fee and student health insurance consult the School of Library Service Bulletin.

[Sections on financial aid, facilities and housing are omitted here, The section on the Director gives some background information on Paul Banks, who will direct both programs. The last page is a request form for an application, apparently furnished merely as a convenience.]

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