The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 5, Number 2
Apr 1981



Magrill, R. M. and Rinehart, C, "Selection for Preservation: A Service Study," Library Resources and Technical Services, 24: 44-57, 1980.


Recommendations for Repair and Allied Processes for the Conservation of Documents: Part 2 Archival Binding. Available from British Standards Institute, 101 Pentonville Rd., London N1 9ND, England.


Edith Diehl's Bookbinding: Its Background and Technique is out in a low-priced ($12.00) reprint by Dover Publications, 180 Varick St., New York, NY 10014. That's for both volumes bound as one,


The Guild of Book Workers 75th Anniversary Exhibition Catalogue will be ready in June. There will be 45 halftones and 50 color photographs, with extra features (e.g. calligraphy by Fritz Eberhardt), on acid-free paper, for $20.00 to members, postpaid. Additional copies $30.00. The special leather-bound copies are $100.00 each; also available in sheets. Write Guild of Book Workers, c/o Caroline Schimmel, 2 Beekman Place, New York, NY 10022.


International Cultural Exchange, a 10-page booklet with capsule descriptions of 45 organizations that fund or facilitate international cultural exchange programs. $2 from the Clearinghouse for Arts Information, Inc., Center for Arts Information, 625 Broadway, New York, NY 10012.


Contents of the latest issue of Restaurator (v.4 #1, 1980) :

W. K. Wilson & E. J. Parks, "Comparison of Accelerated Aging of Book Papers in 1937 with 36 Years Natural Aging." A major article; 55 pages long.

M.V, Yusupova, "Conservation and Restoration of Manuscripts and Bindings on Parchment." They aged their samples with 200 hours of ultraviolet radiation, Local bleaching done with Chloramine T.

J.P. Nyuksha, "Biodeterioration and Biostability of Library Materials." Describes use of a new polymeric antifungal substance developed in the USSR, a guanidine derivative; gives results of tests of many characteristics.


Adrian Sclawy, of the Library of Congress Preservation Office and Frederic M. Stiner, Jr., Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland, are authors of "How Long will the Working Papers in Your Files Last?", which appears in the Spring 1981 issue of The Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance (Vol. 4, No, 3, pp. 265-269).


Joyce R. Russell, ed. Preservation of Library Materials. New York: Special Libraries Association, 1980. Proceedings of a seminar sponsored by the Library Binding Institute and the Princeton-Trenton Chapter of Special Libraries Association held at Rutgers University, July 20-21, 1979. There are two review copies at the Newsletter office. One will go to any reader who is willing to evaluate it for the information of the readers of this Newsletter (i.e. to review it).


Anne Clapp and Roy Perkinson. Reading List for Students in Conservation of Paper and Photographs. 1980 ed. $3.75 from AIC, 1511 K St., NW, Suite 725, Washington, DC 20005.


J. Bruce. Notes on Paper Conservation. Queensland State Archives, Annerly Road, Brisbane 4007, Australia. 43 pp. gratis 27 p1.


Christinger Tomer. "Identification, Evolution, and Selection of Books for Preservation," Collection Management 3: 45-54, 1979.


John F. Dean. "The Binding and Preparation of Periodicals: Alternative Structures and Procedures," Serials Review, July-Sept. 1980, pp. 87-90.


Jean Gunner. Simple Repair and Preservation Techniques for Collection Curators, Librarians and Archivists, 1980. $2.00 from the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. Techniques covered include guarding and mending, single-section sewing, multiple section sewing using the "link stitch" (instead of cords or tapes), hollow tube, phase box, encapsulation, and hinges for items to be matted. The back cover reproduces a form for a condition survey.


Pest Control in Museums: A Status Report (1980), the product of an interdisciplinary conference between 34 participants held at Belmont, Maryland, April 21-23, 1980, will be published early in 1981, if it hasn't already. (This is the conference on fumigation, announced in the July 1980 issue of this Newsletter.) Information from: Association of Systematic Collections, Museum of Natural History, University of Kansas, Lawrence KS 66045 (913-864- 4867).


R. L. Shep. Cleaning and Repairing Books: A Practical Hone Manual. $7.95 from R. L. Shep, Publisher, Box C-2O, Lopez, Washington 98261. 1980. 112 pp., soft cover. A review copy of this is at the Abbey Newsletter office, for anyone who wants to tell the other readers what's inside.

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