Volume 5, Number 3
Aug 1981
- Richard Frieder, co-owner of Markey and Asplund Bookbinders (131
Washington St., Providence, RI 02903), has been awarded a grant from
Rotary International. He will be attending the Camberwell School of
Art and Crafts in London, England, beginning in September. His
partner, Eric Zimmerman, will continue operating the shop.
- Nelly Balloffet is now working full time as an independent
consultant on library preservation and minor disasters, and also as
a private binder and teacher of bookbinding and paper marbling.
Address: 259 Illington Road, Ossining, New York 10562 (tel.
- Caroline and Sheldon Keck announced in June that they will
resign their positions at Cooperstown, the Art Conservation Center
of the State University of New York, College at Oneonta, effective
August 31.