Nancy Cripe, 2281 W. Liberty, Ann Arbor, MI 48103, has a glue machine for sale:
Potdevin Type Z Glue Machine
21", with a steel stand
In excellent condition, well-cared for
Emily Rizzo-Ellenport, 6 Vernon St., Somerville, NA 02145 (617-623-6373) offers
7-foot Hickok standing press
Platen 28" x 20"
Excellent condition
Asking $600.00
FOB Somerville
Frank J. Gebbia, 318 East Garfield Ave., New Castle, PA
16101, (412) 658-7356, is selling the following equipment:
Sellers should furnish all possible information about each piece, and supply a drawing, slide or photograph. Buyers may assume that where no price is given, they are invited to make an offer, which would take transportation into consideration.
All information for the classified column and all notices, catalogs, ads, and samples of supplies and equipment should be sent to Paul James, P. 0. Box 3330, Alexandria, VA 22302. His telephone number is (703)370-0133.