To the Editor:
In regard to your December 1980 edition of the Abbey Newsletter in which you included a list of paper mills that manufacture alkaline board and book papers. We understand that eventually you are possibly going to try to make some sort of a cross reference to indicate what papers made by those mills are available on the market under different brand names or available through various distributors. In this connection, we would like to mention herewith the various mills listed in your Newsletter whose products we represent:
From Mohawk Paper Mills Inc. - Acid-free Mohawk Superfine, which we market under their own brand name.
From Howard Paper Mills Inc. - Their acid-free Permalife, which we market under their brand name.
From Monadnock Paper Mills Inc. - Their line of 100% cotton acid-free Museum Mounting Board which we market under the Andrews/Nelson/Whitehead brand names of "W & A", "Gemini", "Lenox" and "Antique White." These four names merely identify the various shades of white and cream that are available. Additionally, the acid-free paper that they make for Museum Mounting Board is available in a single ply thickness through us and is marketed under the name "A/N/W Barrier Paper," and their Dulcet additionally.
From Olin Corporation - Their 30-lb. Waylite acid-free paper, which we market under the name A/N/W Interleaving paper.
From James River - Their acid-free blotting paper from the Richmond mill which is marketed under the name Cosmos Blotting. Additionally, their filter paper #1109, which is available from us under the name Firenze paper; and their 100% rag Museum Mounting Board from the Adams branch, which again is marketed under the names given above.
We do not know how actively you are trying to cross- reference your information, but did feel that when the time comes, the above facts may be of use to you. Also, if we can be of any help in furnishing information about various mills, their products, various brand manes or distributors, please don't hesitate to call.
Karen Crisalli