Volume 7, Number 2
May 1983
Supplies &c.
Xerox 4000 for Books With Narrow Inner Margins
The rumor that the Xerox 4000 photocopier is no longer available
is untrue: Jan Merrill-Oldham of the University of Connecticut in
Storrs (203/486-2520) just bought one. This model allows the book to
remain open at only a 900 angle while being copied.
Book Jackets With Zippers
For people who like to read where it's rainy, snowy, dusty or
dirty, a nameless supplier offers small, medium, large and extra
large zippered book jackets with pockets fur the covers and an
elastic strip to hold the jacket to the book's spine. Cost: $7 to
$9. Phone: 206-624-5599.
For Sale By Owner
- Arno Werner, Ferry Road, Hadlyme, CT 06439 (203/526-9253) is
reducing his supply of materials, tools and equipment. He invites
inquiries on tools, rolls, paring stones, books on bookbinding (in
English and German) and other items.
- Gérard Charrière, 36 West 26th St., New York, NY
10010 (212/675-6784) has a large number of 17th and 18th C. and
modern finishing tools for sale. He also has rolls and pellets and
small type handle letters. Contact him for a copy of designs and
- Michael Berta, Star Route, Box 7-j, Burr Hill VA 22433
(703/854-5698) writes that he is selling the following equipment:
Peerless Stamping Press with one single line head and one 6-line
head and one gold feeder
J W & CB Sheridan Press, 4' high with 12 press hoards
Oversewing machine in excellent condition
Board cutter, 29" x 21", steel
- Columbia University Bindery has an 18" Triumph paper cutter with
stand for sale. The crank handle in front that moves the back gauge
is missing. Michael Business Machines of Maryland, the maker, says
that model is now $1425 new and the hand crank is available
separately. Daylight: 3-1/8"; net weight 170 lbs without stand.
Stand is 31" x 28". Contact Thea Hammann, (212) 280-3580. Best
- Charles Rulfs writes, "Mike Walker (in Vs.) is a delight to deal
with and does lovely work (his tools and type). His work is well
worth the prices charged. Was pleased to learn of the Ascona tools
& materials in ANL last spring--the spirit stove and French
paring knife, for instance, are exceptionally good and useful."
- Fine Cut Precision (Unit B, Mill Road Industrial Estate,
Southwick, Brighton BN4 1PD) have cut their prices of finishing
tools by up to 20 percent. A set of 12 Pt. handle letters, for
instance, is now £78.25. They also supply a wide range of hand
tools, pallets, gouges and rolls, cut to a high standard, and make
tools to order. (This is from the DB Newsletter. It is
not known whether they solicit overseas business.)
- The Reviews section of this Newsletter describes a new
tool-copying method, reported in The New Bookbinder. A
catalog from Peter Smith ("PSAP Enterprises") has been received,
along with the information that many items have been taken from
Bernard Middleton's tools. Pallet 1/P12, for instance, is the one
that makes the new leather across the hinge of a rebacked book look
wrinkled; it goes for £15.00 (about $25). Single line fillets
are about $34. Write to PSAP Enterprises, 39 High St., Kingston upon
Thames, Surrey KT1 1LQ, England.
Dutch Book Cloth
On April 1, Harcourt Bindery reduced the price of the Van Heek
textiles it carries. Average bolt length is 108 yards, and for 1 to
4 bolts, the prices now are:
| -$3.25/yd.
| -2.75
Commodore Natuurlinnen
| -2.50
Commodore KGZ-KCT
| -3.00
Domestic Marbled Paper
Talin Bookbindery, 1990 Rt. 6A, PD Box 314, Brewster, MA 02631
(617/896-6444, is accepting wholesale and retail orders for their
marbled papers. Catalogs are $2.50 each. "The papers are marbled by
hand, using the finest pigments and papers. They are marbled in the
traditional Turkish manner."
Unguent S
Triad Chemical Co. (544 Oak Ridge Rd., Clark, NJ 07066) claims to
have developed two superior leather preservatives. "Retan Leather"
is a neatsfoot oil liquid blend of polydimethylsiloxanes presenting
minimum fire hazard, low order of toxicity, no handling problem nor
objectionable odor; it is for more deteriorated leather, and costs
$12.70 for 4 ounces, which will do a dozen or more books. "Leather
Forever" is a liquid blend of polydimethylsiloxanes, presenting no
fire hazard, a low order of toxicity, no handling problem or
objectionable odor; it is for newer books, and costs $9.45 for 3
ounces, which will do several books. (Manufacturer's
The manufacturer typically does not offer any evidence that this
new product will preserve leather any better than other unguents,
which are all ineffective, if one takes seriously the leather
research reported in this Newsletter in April
1981. This is a new compound, containing silicone; best to wait
until it is evaluated in the professional literature before trying
it on anything of value.
Chemical Indicators
- The famous Barrow test kit has gone downhill since the 1970s.
One purchased last December from Applied Science Labs, Inc., Ana-Bio
Laboratories, 2216 Hull St., Richmond, VA 23224, 1) was outmoded,
providing a single test solution for groundwood instead of the
2-solution version that enables the test to be useful and accurate
for longer than six months; 2) came only after a delay of two
months; 3) has a flimsy box with a top that won't fit--not good when
one of the bottles in it contains such a strong acid; and 4) has no
instructions with it, not even any instructions for finding the
instructions in the little Barrow booklet, or a warning to put the
groundwood indicator bottle in the refrigerator so it won't
- The Gallard-Schlesinger Chemical Manufacturing Corporation, 584
Mineola Ave., Carle Place, NY 11S14, has an excellent range of
indicator strips including 14 kinds of non-bleed pH indicators and
Chlortesmo paper for testing chlorine in rinse water (sensitivity 1
mg chlorine per liter, which roughly equals 1 part per million).
Also potassium iodide starch papers, relative humidity indicators,
and test papers to detect alum, copper, iron, peroxide, sulfur
compounds (SO2, SO3,
H2SO3,) in air and solution, zinc, potassium,
and other substances. The sulfite test paper is for the rapid
determination of sulfites and sulfur dioxide in the gaseous phase.
The white paper turns pink to brick-red in the presence of sulfite
and free SO A box of 100 strips costs $10.60. Minimum order $25.5.
Gallard-Schlesinger is the exclusive distributor for Macherey-Nagel,
Düren, Germany. Their telephone number is 516/333-S600 but
sometimes they don't answer.
Encapsulating Machines
Literature has been collected from three (the three?)
manufacturers or distributors of machines for sealing polyester
encapsulations: the Minter/Malosh ultrasonic welder, the CRI
Polyweld and the University Products Radiowelder. They are described
below in the suppliers' own words.
- Minter/Malosh Ultrasonic Welder. Polyester encapsulation
has become the most widely accepted technique for the preservation
of fragile documents. Ultrasonic welding is one method of sealing
the edges of two sheets. Ultrasonics is a process that is widely
used in the plastics industry for the assembly of parts. This method
of sealing has been available to the conservation field for the past
three years.
The basic principle is friction. Standard 60 cycles per second of
electrical current is increased by a generator to 40,000 cycles per
second. This electrical impulse is converted to a mechanical
vibration which is transferred through the tip of what is called the
horn. Opposite the horn is an anvil. With the two sheets of
polyester between the horn and the anvil, a weld is produced by the
vibration or hammering action. [An earlier article with diagram is
in the April 1980 issue of AN.]
The first machines of this type required the critical adjustment
of a micrometer to set the gap between the hero and the anvil.
Recent improvements, however, have eliminated this rather
troublesome operation. Now the welding head is mounted on a
self-adjusting slide. The welding head is transported along shafts
by a variable speed reversible motor which is controlled by a foot
switch. A magnetic rubber blanket holds the polyester and the
document to a stainless steel work surface during the welding
operation. The magnetic blanket also eliminates any air that might
become trapped inside. The machine is 25" x 48" x 12" overall, while
the work surface is 15" x 48". There are two auxiliary tables--one
9" x 48" and the other 15" x 4B"--to permit the encapsulation of
documents up to 38" square. However, larger documents can be
encapsulated by simply repositioning the material.
Another recent improvement has been a modification which allows
the weld to be made up to 9" from the edge of the polyester. The
material can also be rolled, if necessary, to weld to the center of
a larger sheet. A special modification of the basic model would
permit even deeper welds.
Ultrasonics can easily weld two sheets of 2, 3, 4, or 5 nil
polyester (Do Pont Mylar Type 0 or ICI Melinex 516). For larger
documents that require additional support, a sheet of 2 or 3 mile
can be welded to a sheet of 5, 7 or 9 mile.
The ultrasonic welder was designed primarily for the
encapsulation of book leaves and archival documents. It takes less
than two minutes to completely encapsulate an 8½" x 11"
document in 3 nil polyester, allowing for a binding stub. The
machine will pay for itself after approximately 6,000 items are
- Model B-50 Polyester Sealing Machine, from Conservation
Resources International, Inc. We designed the
PolyweldTM B-50 specially for use in the conservation
laboratory. We talked with conservators in large institutions,
commercial operations and small university workshops. There were no
conflicting requirements among the people we interviewed, and, not
surprisingly, there was considerable concurrence among the
conservators about features they did want. These features included
simplicity, reliability, speed of operation, the ability to
encapsulate 48" maps, and economy. We feel the Model B-SO excels in
all of these areas.
- [It] can seal 100" per cycle, with a maximum single length of 50
inches.... The complete sealing cycle, start to finish, is only
3½ seconds. This means you can produce, for example, ten 6 x
9" polyester folders in one 3½ second cycle.... Two people
performing the same (or different) task can use the machine at the
same time....
We have eliminated the need to resort to cooling fans (which tend
to blow the polyester sheets out of alignment before they can be
sealed) or cumbersome cold water pipes or any other superfluous
devices to cool the polyester before you can remove it and start
another cycle.
We use a special coating on the Model B-50 to eliminate the
static electricity buildup in the polyester film. This makes the
polyester much easier to handle, which results in increased
efficiency and eliminates shocks to the operator.... We have
provided separate pressure clamp alignment and sealing cycle
operations. This allows you to put 10 or 20 items in the machine,
align and clamp them, and still make a quick visual check before
pressing the sealing cycle button.... It is easy to operate. Plug
the machine into an ordinary wall outlet, insert two or more
polyester sheets and push the cycle button. There is no special
training period or skill required to operate this machine.
It is super reliable. We were able to continually refine this
machine in our factory over a considerable period of time, while
producing tens of thousands of seals.
[In May 1982 it was priced at $6,950. The principle utilized is
radiation-induced heat.]
Conservation Resources is at 1111 N. Royal St., Alexandria, VA
- University Products' Radiowelder. The exclusive
radiowelder seals by safe electromagnetic radiation which produces
flexible fusion welds.... Seals edges in approximately 4 seconds.
Call or writes University Products, P0 Box 101, Holyoke, MA 01041.
Oct. 1982
Cat. No.
Maximum Sealing Length
Oct. 1982 Price
| 9"
| $2300.00
| 15"
| 3200.00
| 42"
| 9100.00
For Environmental Control in Transit and Storage
- Fabwell Pty. [= Proprietary] Ltd. of Sydney and Melbourne,
Australia, sells a fiber-reinforced plastic crate with rounded
corners, handles and latches, designed to minimize all kinds of
stress for museum objects in transit. It is insulated to protect
against thermal shock and has tight joints to keep unconditioned air
out. It comes in two sizes. The brochure does not give prices or an
address to write to.
- Crayfourd & Sons' "Parish Cupboard" is advertised as
"providing stable storage conditions for registers and records as
specified in Schedule 2 of the Parochial Registers and Records
Measure of 1978" (in England) but the descriptive brochure makes it
pretty clear that it does nothing of the sort. It is painted steel
on the outside and entirely of wood on the inside. No information is
given on how the destructive gasses given off by wood in enclosed
spaces are being controlled. There is a simple needle-dial
hygrometer and a maximum-minimum thermometer screwed on the inside
of a door, but no provision for controlling temperature, RH or
variations in either. Address: 2/4/6 New Mount St., Stratford,
London E15 3LR.
New Machines
- Library Binding Service, supplier in Des Moines, is now a dealer
for the Potdevin glue machine made especially for polyvinyl acetate
adhesive, for casemaking. Write P0 Box 1413, Des Moines, IA
- A new leaf-casting machine is now in production. It is an
improved model of those designed by Esther Boyd-Alkalay. The machine
is lighter, it has a larger working surface (46 x 66 cm), it is
easier to operate and the price is much less ($5000 FOB factory). It
is constructed by Leon Ashkenazi, under the guidance of Esther
Boyd-Alkalay. For further information, please contact A.B.A.
Leaf-Casting Machines, Leon Ashkenazi, Simtat Zor 3, 53205 Givataim,
- The Schärf-Fix 80 Skivers are available in the West from
Alan Dietch Equipment, Foster City, CA 94404.