Volume 8, Number 2
Apr 1984
- Benny Andrews, head of the Visual Arts Program at NEA, has
announced his resignation, effective in July.
- Paul Perrot, formerly Assistant Secretary of Museum Programs at
the Smithsonian Institution, has assumed the Directorship of the
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond.
- William Crusius and Robert Weinberg, proprietors of the Graphic
Conservation Company in Chicago, have affiliated their company with
the newly formed Chicago Conservation Centre and moved it to a new
address: 730 North Franklin, 7th floor, Chicago, It 60610
- Jack Robinson has retired from Andrews/Nelson/Whitehead Paper
Company after a 34-year career as marketer of fine papers. His
retirement party was last July.
- Nancy Bell, former president of the Baltimore Area Conservation
Group, is in England, working with various binders, and is--or was
recently--at the V & A.
- Imre Jarmy, former newspaper microfilming coordinator and
managing editor of the Preservation Leaflet Series in the National
Preservation Program Office, is now assistant chief of the Exchange
and Gift Division at the Library of Congress.
- Patricia Reyes became the second Mellon conservator at the
Pierpont Morgan Library last fall.
- Richard Smith of Wei T'o Associates lectured in London, Holland
and the USSR last fall, and at the University of Chicago library
school during the winter quarter.
- Cheryl Carrabba, formerly in private practice in Seattle, has
been appointed to a one-year term at the Paper Conservation Lab of
the Humanities Research Center in Austin.
- Nelly Balloffet has incorporated her binding and conservation
business as the "Paper Star Bindery," 259 Illington Ed, Ossining, NY