Volume 8, Number 6
Dec 1984
Supplies &c.
For Sale By Owner
- Stamping machine, Magic Systems IX; 3.5" x 1.5" type
head, one font upper and lower case 14 pt. gothic type, one font
upper and lower case 24 Pt. gothic type, one roll imitation gold
foil, instructions, etc., table model in excellent condition, price
complete $195 + shipping, from Bruce K. Herald, The Book Hospital,
1905 Johnson Mill Rd., N. Branch, Ml 48461.
- Crawley Rounder Backer, excellent condition, $5000; Bobbins
& Bendror speed Nipper Model SM620, hydraulic book nipper,
$5,500; Hickok Backer for hand binding, $1200; Challenge Single Head
Drill, $600; Building-in boards 16" x 24", $5 each; Stevenson Shrink
Wrap Machine 115 volt, $300; 2 Smyth Sewers, No. 12, $3,500 each;
from Thomas Thomson, Equity Publishing Corp., Orford, NH 03777,
- Chris Clarkson sent the following circular letter to various
conservation facilities in this country: "I have just completed an
order for a heavy weight linen buckram which is more flexible and
does not crack on the fold. I have it in two colours, brown and
blue, but I am told any colour at all could be produced; I would
have also liked an 18th Century crimson, for instance. I am afraid I
cannot offer to get involved in ordering for you, but have listed
below all those people in America who have shown an interest in
obtaining such book cloths. Your first move would be to contact each
other and then for one person to find Out the latest prices.
(Minimum order was 1000 metres per colour.) Later perhaps you should
choose colours from Munsell and send the Irish firm your choice
samples. The firm: Mr. S. A. MacClure, Islandreagh Dyeing and
Finishing Co., Dunadry, County Antrim, Northern Ireland." The price
is apparently about $10/meter. The samples included with the
circular were linen in the warp and weft and extremely tough, with a
starch-filled surface. It is not known yet who will coordinate such
an order. Interested readers may contact the column editor at the
Newsletter office, who will forward their letters to the coordinator
when they become known.
- A very interesting line of library binding equipment
manufactured in Hamburg, West Germany by the Schmedt Corp. is now
available in this country from the Tolfan Corp., PD Box 7805 Jersey
City, NJ 07307-0805, 201/659-6746. The Tolfan Corp. will supply a
35-40 minute video cassette showing the equipment in operation in
binderies in Germany. The column editor has viewed this video and
can report that the equipment is aimed at the small to mid-sized
bindery. What impressed us was the simplicity and efficiency of the
design of the equipment as a whole, i.e. there did not seem to be
more or less machine than was necessary to do the job. Generally the
equipment was not as automated as would be found in many larger
commercial binderies, and perhaps more suited to smaller workshops
including edition binderies. The equipment includes a casing-in
machine, a building-in machine, a turning-in machine, a manual
case-maker, a case hollow rounding machine, a semi-automatic
double-fan adhesive binding system, a cloth storage and dispensing
system, and a hand blocking (stamping) press. Although the equipment
has been designed as an integrated system, this does not preclude
the use of individual pieces separately. Pieces of equipment which
appeared potentially very useful to this viewer were the following.
The double-fan adhesive system, called PräCOLL ($2590), for
journal binding and other adhesive binding jobs, accommodates a
maximum book block size of 14-3/B" x 3-7/32", with no adjustment
necessary for books of various sizes, and an output of 60 books per
hour. The turning-in machine, PräKANT ($2085-$3850), utilizes
an ingenious roller and blanket system for turning over the two
opposite sides of the cloth at the same time. The cloth dispensing
and storage system, PräNUTZ ($2128), is a very compact system
which enables book covering materials to be stored in roll form in a
rack storing 16 rolls of maximum width 23-S/B". The material is then
drawn from the dispensing unit to the precise size of the case and
cut with a circular knife. The hand blocking press, PräGNANT
($2995), is specifically designed for "one-off" titles, stamps in
almost a vertical position which affords very easy and precise
sighting, and utilizes either a typeholder for loose type or slugs,
and a block holder for cuts. Only one line is stamped at a time, but
very precise alignment of lines is possible because of a jig system
and a movable stamping platform. Product literature and the video
are available from the Tolfan Corp.