Volume 9, Number 2
Apr 1985
- Wesley Boomgaarden became the Head of the Preservation
Department at the Ohio State Libraries last fall. He was formerly
Head of the Preservation Microfilming Unit in the New York Public
Library's Preservation Department.
- Robert Parliament is now on the faculty of Queen s College in
Canada. See related news story.
- Lawrence McCrank recently became dean of the library at Auburn
University at Montgomery, Alabama.
- Lisa L. Fox was appointed January 15 as SOLINET Preservation
officer. SOLINET is a nonprofit membership computer network and
organization serving 467 libraries in the Southeast. To its existing
services it will now add an information service, training, on-site
consultation, and disaster assistance.
- Richard Frieder, formerly at Princeton University, has assumed
the job of Conservation Officer at Northwestern University. His new
address is: Northwestern University Library, 1935 Sheridan Road,
Evanston, IL 60201 (312/492-7599).
- Lucia Tang has resigned her position in the Research and Testing
Laboratory Lab at the Library of Congress.
- Adrian Sclawy has resigned his position in the Conservation
Office at the Library of Congress.
- Joyce E. Schwartz is now Joyce (Schwartz) Dreyfuss.