Volume 9, Number 6
Nov 1985
- Doris Hamburg is the new Head of the Paper Conservation Section
at the Library of Congress.
- Robert Futernick is a new fellow of the AIC.
- Laura Wait has moved from Denver to Santa Fe, where she will be
working in book conservation, fine binding and box-making. Her new
address is: Prins-Wait Studios, 1570 Pacheco St., Unit E-13, Santa
Fe, NM 87501 (505/983-2528). Her husband, Steven Prins, is a
paintings conservator.
- Jane S. Withee has been appointed Preservation Librarian for
Morris Library at Southern Illinois University at Carbon-dale.
- Christine Young is now paper conservator at the William-Rockhill
Nelson Gallery of Art in Kansas City, Missouri. She was formerly
with the Indianapolis Historical Society.
- Jean Tarascio returned to the Marriott Library Conservation Lab
at the University of Utah in September after a year's internship at
the Library of Congress.
- Poul A. Christiansen, who founded Restaurator nine years ago,
has turned over the office of Editor-in-Chief to Dr. Helmut Bansa,
Institute of Restoration of Books and Manuscripts, Bavarian State
Library, P.O. Box 150, D-8000 Munich 34, FR Germany.
- Helene M. Donnelly of Camberwell School of Art & Crafts has
been appointed Research Officer for a study of disaster preparedness
of archives and libraries in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
the study is funded by the British Library.
- Sally Buchanan resigned in late August from her position as
Conservation Officer at Stanford University Libraries. She will be
dividing her tine in the immediate future between teaching a course
on conservation at the University of California library school
(Berkeley), doing consulting, and working on a book.
- Cheryl Holland has been named Conservation Librarian for the
Washington University (St. Louis) Libraries, where she will be
establishing a program. She received her training in preservation at
Columbia University and Southern Illinois University at
- Robert Milevski completed his Preservation Administration
internship at LC in October and is now an intern in the Conservation
Laboratory at the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, DC.
- Marsha Hollingsworth, hand bookbinder of Port Townsend,
Washington, is taking a leave of absence from her binding
- Patricia Palmer, who has worked at the Humanities Research
Center in Austin for the last four years, will be the Society of
American Archivists' new Conservation Program Officer.
- Ann Swartzell has been appointed to the position of Associate
Librarian (Conservation) at the New York State Library. She will be
administering the statewide preservation program described on the
front page of the last issue of this Newsletter. She assumed her new
duties in September, following completion of her Mellon Foundation
internship at Yale and, prior to that, her work as Coordinator of
preservation microfilming at Harvard.
- Jan Sobota has moved to 18915 Arrowhead Ave., Cleveland OH
- Ann Carroll Kearney has taken the position of Associate
Conservator at Case Western Reserve University Libraries. She is a
graduate of Cleveland Institute of Art and a former Fulbright
scholar in bookbinding at Camberwell.