Volume 10, Number 1
Feb 1986
Editor's Page
- Doug Stone is not the president of the Friends of the Dard
Hunter Paper Museum; Howard Clark is. Doug Stone is the editor of
the newsletter and coordinator for the meetings. (Mistake is on p.
112, December issue.)
- The address of Norman D. Stevens, the man who wrote "The Man Who
Saved Books" (p. 35, April 1985 issue) was omitted in the article.
It is the Molesworth Institute, 143 Hanks Hill Rd., Storrs, CT
- In the survey report in the last issue, the address of
Zellerbach Paper Company was inadvertently omitted. The two
California addresses which were furnished in the reply
Zellerbach Paper Co.
245 So. Spruce Ave.
So. San Francisco, CA 94080
Zellerbach Paper Co.
4000 E. Union Pacific Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90051
- A reply was received from Andrews/Nelson/Whitehead (31-10 48th
Ave., Long Island City, NY 11101 (1-800/572-7200; NY state only,
1-800/582-0400). A/N/W stocks all weights of Ecusta Waylite (the
paper this newsletter is printed on) and will ship amounts as small
as one carton. They can also furnish other acid-free and buffered
papers such as Mohawk Superfine and Howard Permalife.
The Abbey Newsletter: Bookbinding and Conservation
is issued six or more times a year and has about 1000 subscribers.
New subscribers automatically receive all issues published in the
current year, unless they request otherwise. All subscriptions
expire on the last day of the year. To initiate or renew a
subscription, send name, address, and a check for $30 made out to
Abbey Newsletter, c/o Preservation Department, Brigham
Young University Library, Provo, UT 84602. The telephone number is
801/378-2512 during the day and 801/373-1598 evenings and weekends.
Note: the Newsletter is not part of the University or the
No paid advertisements are accepted, but any notice that is
appropriate and has news value will be printed if there is room for
it. Written contributions and bits of news are welcome. Claims for
issues which are defective or damaged in the mail, and for back
issues paid for but never received, will be honored without question
within a year of publication.
The Abbey Newsletter is indexed in Art &
Archaeology Technical Abstracts, Institute of Paper Chemistry
Abstract Bulletin and Graphic Arts Literature
Abstracts (RIT). It is not indexed in the usual periodical
indexes because it is a newsletter.
The Editor encourages readers to copy and pass around any article
from the Newsletter, even entire issues; but before copying any part
on a scale that amounts to republication, they must obtain
permission from both author and editor.
Editor and publisher: Ellen McCrady
Copyright 1986 Ellen McCrady
| ISSN: 0276-8291
- Sally Buchanan resigned from the Stanford Libraries September 1,
1985 and is for the present teaching a course on conservation in the
UC Berkeley School of Library and Information Studies, consulting,
and writing a book about disaster planning with Judith
Fortson-Jones. She can be reached at 690 Greer Rd., Palo Alto, CA
94303. Anyone with new information about disasters or disaster
publications is encouraged to get in touch with her or Ms.
Fortson-Jones (Conservation, Hoover Institute, Stanford, CA 94305)
to assist them with the book for Oryx Press.
- Jane S. Withee has been appointed Preservation Librarian for
Morris Library at Southern Illinois University at Carbon-dale.
- Willman Spawn has come out of retirement to accept an
appointment as Curator of Bindings at Bryn Mawr College.
- William L. Joyce, previously Assistant Director for Rare Books
and Manuscripts at the New York Public Library, has been appointed
Associate University Librarian for Rare Books and Special
Collections at Princeton University.
- Hedi Kyle, formerly Head Conservator at the Book Preservation
Center of the New York Botanical Garden, became Head of Conservation
at the American Philosophical Society in January, 1986.
- Five new interns have been accepted into the Library of Congress
Conservation Office for advanced training. They are Jill Norton
Sterett, Sarah Bertalan, Kathleen Orlenko, Maria Fredericks, and
Scott Husby.
- Robert Milevski has completed a book conservation internship at
the Folger Shakespeare Library. He is now a preservation consultant
in the Washington, DC area, writing articles on preservation topics,
conducting book repair workshops, and doing freelance bookbinding
and conservation work. His ad-dress is 508 Seventh St., NE,
Washington, DC 20002 (202/543-7145).
- Ian Cook, formerly of the National Library of Australia, is the
Director of the new State Conservation Centre of South Australia in
Adelaide. Jan Lyall is the new Director of Preservation Services at
the National Library.
- Bruce Roberts is now in private practice as a book conservator
under the name Bruce Robert Levy. He is no longer working under the
names "Bruce Roberts" or "Da Vinci Bindery." He is also (since
October 1985) the Senior Book Conservator at the HRHRC, Austin,
- Siegfried Rempel is the Consultant Conservator at the Canadian
Center for Architecture.
- Antoinette Dwan has accepted the position of Associate Paper
Conservator at the Baltimore Museum of Art.
- Robert Futernick was elected president of the Western
Association for Art Conservation in October.
- Gerald Munoff has left the Kentucky Department for Libraries and
Archives to accept a position as Assistant Director for
Administrative Services and Personnel at the University of
- Gabrielle Fox [author of "University of Cincinnati a Vacudyne,"
AN July 1982] gave a demonstration of her work as a
bookbinder to Prince Charles when he visited Stationers Hall on
November 21st to unveil a portrait of Lord Stockton. The Stationers
Company is anxious to assist young entrepreneurs and Gabrielle was
one of ten craftsmen invited to take part in the exhibition. [From
Designer Bookbinders Newsletter, Dec. 1985]
- Philip Smith has moved: his address is now the Book House,
Yatton Keynell, Chippenham, Wilts SN14 7BH, England.
- Bill Minter was elected Chairman of the AIC Book and Paper Group
in May.
- Jim Druzik, formerly Research Chemist with the Los Angeles
County Museum of Art, has been appointed Associate Scientist
Research Contracts, at the Getty Conservation Institute in Marina
Del Rey. His responsibilities will include monitoring outside
projects and research contracts in the U.S. and abroad. He will also
be involved with inhouse research projects.
- Lilly Hollander has a new address for her practice of
conservation of works of art on paper: Carnegie Hall Studios, 881
Seventh Ave., New York, NY 10019 (212/757-9247). Her studio is #