Volume 10, Number 5
Oct 1986
- Linda Fagen, formerly Assistant Conservator at the Minnesota
Historical Society, was recently appointed Archives and Manuscripts
Conservator in the Marriott Library of the University of Utah, Salt
Lake City.
- Gary Frost has concluded a five-year term as book conservation
instructor in the library and archives conservation program at
Columbia University. He has donated 43 models of historic binding
structures to the program.
- Susan Barger has accepted a post as Research Associate in the
Materials Science Department of Johns Hopkins University.
- Paul Perrot was elected president of the ICCROM Council by
unanimous vote last May. (ICCROM also has a General Assembly, of
which the president is A. C. da Silva Telles of Brazil.)
- Esther Boyd-Alkalay will leave the National Maritime Museum in
Middlesex at the end of November for Israel. Her new address there
will be Rehov Rainess 17, 53460 Givataim.
- Silvia Rennie has a new address, effective about November 1: 126
N. Spooner, Madison, WI 53705. She also has a one-woman exhibition
in the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Rare Book Room, until
- Scott Kellar is now employed by Northwestern University Library
as Book Conservator/Head of Conservation Treatments, in the newly
constructed conservation lab.
- Linda Overman, Documents Conservator at the Mississippi
Department of Archives and History, just concluded a term as
President of the Society of Mississippi Archivists.
- Mark Esser has accepted the position of instructor of the
bookbinding course at the North Bennet Street School in Boston.
- Lynette Van Wagoner (Vaughn L. V. W. Terpack) has left the
Library of Congress Conservation Office. She owns and operates
Miscellanea, Inc., a business devoted to book conservation,
restoration and repair.
- James K. Wellvang, formerly of the University of the West
Indies, Jamaica Campus, took up new duties August 1 as head of the
Conservation and Preservation Department at the University of Texas
at Arlington. He is a graduate of the Columbia program and a native
of Minnesota.