Volume 11, Number 3
Apr 1987
- Robert J. Milevski has been appointed to the position of
Supervisory Conservator and Head, Phased Conservation Section,
Conservation Office, Library of Congress.
- Gotthilf Kurz won the 1986 Baden-Württemberg prize for
designer bookbinding.
- Lage Carlson will be in the Graduate Program, Art Conservation,
State University of New York (Cooperstown), until 1988. Address:
P.O. Box 11, Cooperstown, NY 13326.
- Nancy Shrock is serving as Consultant to the AIC
- Archives Feasibility Study funded by NHPRC. She is also
Conservation Specialist for the Conservation Survey/Needs Assessment
of the Peabody & Stearns Architectural Drawings at Boston Public
Library, a one-year grant funded by NEH.
- Duane Watson concluded his Mellon Internship at NYPL at the end
of December in order to accept an appointment in the Conservation
Division there in January. As Special Assistant for Administration
and Planning, he devotes 60% of his time to the Collections
Improvement Project and 40% to assisting John Baker in the
administration of the Division.
- Walter Newman is mow employed as Paper Conservator at the Boston
Public Library, Rare Books and Manuscripts Department.
- Cornell University Libraries announce the following
- Shannon Zachary as Book Conservator. She is a Camber-well
graduate and was in England from 1984 to last summer.
- Tatyana Petukhova as Paper Conservator. She studied conservation
at the Hermitage Museum in Leningrad from 1975 to 1979 and cane to
the United States in 1984.
- Anne Kenney as Conservation Liaison Officer. Her background is
in archives administration.
- Sherry Byrne has accepted the position of Preservation Officer
at the University of Chicago, beginning April 1.