The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 11, Number 3
Apr 1987

Positions Open

National Archives

The National Archives is seeking two creative paper conservators interested in working with archival holdings. Applicants should enjoy challenging conservation problems and have excellent people skills. Both jobs will initially be based in Washington, DC. The San Francisco area will be the ultimate location for one of them. Salary will start at $22,458 for GS 9 and $27,172 for GS 11, depending on experience. For additional information and application procedures contact Norvell Jones, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC 20408 (202/523-5360).

American Museum of Natural History

Responsibilities: Conservation and binding of library collections including books, serials, archives, films, photographs and art. Will also handle loans to other institutions for exhibition and the conservation and insurance details; assist with the installation of exhibits in the Library and with the processing and housing of collections.

Requirements: Bachelor's degree; training in library conservation and some related practical experience. Courses in library science helpful.

Excellent benefits include 15 vacation days, major medical and dental plans. For consideration, resumes must be submitted along with salary requirements to: Mr. Lee Vilensky, Personnel Department, American Museum of Natural History, 79th St. and Central Park West, New York, NY 10024. FOE.

New York Public Library

Applications are invited for the position of Head, Custom Binding and Restoration Office in the Conservation Division of The Research Libraries. Under the direction of the Assistant Director for Preservation, the successful candidate will be responsible for the conservation treatment programs of this office. Will also be responsible for administration planning and staff training. Qualified candidate will have substantial experience in Conservation and a Masters in Library Science, and advanced certificate in conservation or related field. Background must include considerable supervisory and administrative experience. Familiarity with the preservation problems of large research libraries and extensive knowledge of conservation treatment procedures essential.

Minimum salary $28,070 annually. Closing date for application is July 15, 1987. Preliminary interviews can be conducted at the American Library Association conference in June.

For immediate consideration, send letter of application and resume to Francine Feuerman, New York Public Library, Human Resources Dept., 8 West 40th St., New York, NY 10108. EOE m/f.

Huntington Library

The Avery Conservation Center has an immediate opening for a Book Conservator who will work closely with the Manuscript Conservator and with the Curators of Rare Books and Manuscripts and who can give professional opinions to the Curators and Librarian regarding the care and preservation of the collections.

Duties include book conservation (binding, rebacking, text-block repair, and construction of boxes for books), ordering of supplies, maintenance of records of work in progress, and advice on exhibition.

Applicants are required to have an advanced degree or equivalent experience in rare book conservation; extensive knowledge of library conservation in general and special collections materials in particular; ability to produce bindings and repairs of high quality and to deal effectively with staff, donors, readers, and volunteers.

Applications, including resume and three references, should be sent to Marilyn Bressler, Huntington Library, 1151 Oxford Road, San Marino, CA 91108.

Brown University

This two-year temporary position, reporting to the University Librarian, will be responsible for determining the Library's preservation needs by surveying collections and analyzing current preservation and conservation operations and procedures, and making recommendations as to the appropriate program to be implemented by the Library.

Requirements: MLS degree from an AlA accredited library school; two to four years professional experience in an academic library; formal training in preservation administration; knowledge of current preservation and conservation techniques; demonstrated ability to plan projects, write reports, and communicate effectively; ability to work effectively with staff at all levels, as well as with colleagues in the national preservation scene.

Salary commensurate with experience and qualifications. To be assured of consideration, please send letter of application, resume and names of three references by June 30, 1987, to Geneva Ferrell, Personnel Office, Box 1879-V/MG619, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912. EO/AAE.

Smithsonian Institution Book Conservation Lab

Eligibility: Application for this one-year internship is open to graduates of recognized conservation training programs, or persons with comparable training and experience.

Stipend: $16,000 plus a travel and research allowance of $2,000. Health insurance will be provided.

Application: Interested candidates must assemble the following material:

Transcripts of both undergraduate and graduate courses of academic studies (photocopies are acceptable)
A curriculum vitae including basic biographical information and current address and telephone number
Offprints of any publications or lectures
A short statement of the candidate's interests and intent in applying for the internship

Two supporting letters from conservation professionals familiar with the candidate's work should be sent directly to Lambertus van Zelst, Director, Conservation Analytical Laboratory, Museum Support Center, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560. Materials must be received by April 23, 1987. EOE.

Yale University

The University and the Library: Yale University is one of the foremost universities of the world, preeminent in scholarship and research in the various fields of the humanities, the sciences, and in the professional schools. Twelve schools or colleges offer courses of study: Yale College, Graduate School, and schools of medicine, divinity, law, art, architecture, music, forestry, nursing, drama and management. There are approximately 5,100 undergraduates and 5,000 graduate students, and over 2,000 faculty. The University Library has 8.3 million volumes, which are housed in 16 school and department libraries and in special collections, in addition to the Sterling Memorial Library building. The Library system employs 138 librarians, 45 managerial staff, 361 library assistants and 95 FTE student assistants.

The Preservation Division of the Library's Preservation Department is responsible for the brittle book program, including bibliographic searching, decision-making, and implementation of the various replacement and reproduction options. Special reformatting projects are also undertaken, and the Department has just embarked on a new series of preservation initiatives.

Responsibilities: The Preservation Librarian works closely with the Head Librarian, Preservation Department and, in her absence, may serve as department head. The incumbent has special responsibilities in the area of microfilming and aids in carrying out Division routines as well as outreach programs, such as workshops and the development of training aids, for all units within the library system. Manages the Microfilming Unit, including supervising the work of its four full-time employees. Has wide responsibilities in the development, implementation, and oversight of special projects, both in-house and with outside vendors, whether they are unit-specific or systemwide. Assists in the supervision and daily problem-solving required within the Preservation Division, which consists of 3.5 full-tine employees and 3-14 part-time students, depending on the status of special projects. Aids in the review of deteriorated materials with bibliographers and curators, providing cost information and option recommendations. Writes reports, participates in administrative meetings (attendance at national preservation activities will be encouraged), and interacts to a great extent with both the Conservation and Preparations Divisions within the Department and with other departments. Aids in carrying out preservation education activities including workshop presentations, talks, and the preparation of training materials. Participates in the Library's planning activities and is expected to be active professionally.

Qualifications: M.L.S. from an ALA-accredited library school, with emphasis on preservation administration preferred. In-depth knowledge of microformats and preservation microfilming. Demonstrated ability to plan projects, write reports, and communicate effectively. Knowledge of running a microfilm lab desirable. Supervisory experience preferred. Two or more years of professional experience in a preservation program, or the equivalent training with some field experience, preferred.

Salary and benefits: Salary from $22,500, dependent upon qualifications. Benefits include 22 days vacation; 16 holiday, recess, and personal days; TIAA/CREF or Yale retirement; comprehensive health care, and relocation assistance.

Application: To be assured of consideration, please send letter of application, resume and names of three references by March 31, 1987 to Maureen Sullivan, Head, Library Personnel, Yale University Library, 1603A Yale Station, New Haven, CT 06520. An EEO/AA employer. [Received March 13]

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