Volume 11, Number 4
Jun 1987
- Gabrielle Fox, former Handbinder/Conservator for the University
of Cincinnati (AN July 1982, p. 32), is the new editor
of the Designer Bookbinders Newsletter. Her address is:
Slinfold Manor, Slinfold, Horsham, West Sussex, U.K.
- Griselda Warr, formerly of the Huntington Library, started in
May as Rare Book and Manuscript Conservator at Princeton
- Patricia Battin has been appointed president of the Commission
on Preservation and Access, and expects to take up her new duties in
- Edgar Mansfield, mow 80 years old and still active in sculpture
and bookbinding, has been spending half of each year in England and
New Zealand. He and his wife are now in England.
- Paul Koda will become Preservation Officer at the University of
Maryland July 1.
- Sherry Byrne became Preservation Librarian at the University of
Chicago Library on April 1. [This was announced in the last issue,
but the announcement was misplaced and mistakenly gave the
impression she worked at Cornell. ]
- John Townsend is mow at the Division of Library Development in
Albany, New York.
- Paul A. Olson, President of Game Brothers and Lane since 1980,
has retired.
- Marie-Laure Duthoit has joined the rare books firm of Joseph J.
Felcone Inc., Princeton, NJ, as bookbinder. She served her
apprenticeship in France and is mow accepting private commissions
for fine binding and restoration.
- Sandra Nyberg became the SOLINET Field Officer on May 26. (Lisa
Fox will continue to direct the preservation program.)
- Richard Frieder, Conservation Officer of the Northwestern
University Library, is also President of the Chicago Hand
- Terry 0. Norris, Vice President of research and development for
Nekoosa Papers and past president of TAPPI, retired on May 1. He now
lives in North Carolina.
- Dr. Robert L. Leslie, neurologist, typesetter and patron and
promoter of the graphic arts, died at the age of 101 in Brooklyn
early in April. Just last year, as president of the "Typophiles," he
was handling its correspondence and arranging speakers for its
monthly meetings. Obituaries have appeared in the April 8 New York
Times and the 1986 Bibliography Newsletter.
- Carla Montori assumed her new duties as Preservation Officer at
the University of Michigan Libraries on June 1.
- Otto Wächter has retired. His successor at the Institut
für Restaurierung at the Osterreichischen Nationalbibliothek in
Vienna is Gerhard Banik.
- Margaret Holben Ellis has been appointed as Chairman of the
Institute of Fine Arts Conservation Center at New York University,
effective September 1. The Center, established in 1960, was the
first graduate-level, degree-granting program in the U.S. for
professional conservators. Ms. Ellis will continue teaching at the
Center and will be retained at the Metropolitan Museum as a
consulting conservator.
- Carole Dyall, formerly Collections Maintenance Supervisor at
Southern Illinois University, has accepted the position of Library
Conservator at the University of Connecticut.
- Susan Page accepted a position as senior conservator last
October, in the Document Conservation Branch, Preservation Policy
and Services Division, at the National Archives and Records
Administration. She works at the lab at the Pickett St. Annex, which
has responsibility for NASA's cartographic holdings.