Max J. Adjarian, formerly restorer at the Bibliothèque National, is selling his bindery and is willing to provide the buyer with three years' instruction in using it. Contact him at 3107 Thatcher Ave., Marina del Rey, CA 90292. He announced this unusual offer in the April Fine Print.
P.T.I. - Blotting Paper #112/wl, 100% cotton fiber, acid-free, 300 g weight, approx. 20 Pt. caliper, in sheets 38 x 25 inches, packed 100 sheets per carton.
They say: "Our manufacturing specifications call for a blotting paper of dense quality, without surface hinting. If you are interested in participating in this production, please let us have your order reservation at your earliest convenience.
"We also will be producing a limited quantity of the above blotting paper grade in size 38 x 50 inches and in rolls 80" x 40 yards. Price information will be submitted upon request." Contact Estelle Taylor, Paper Technologies, Inc., 28082 Gunnison Ct., Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 (716/643-3021).
The durability and continued effectiveness of ultraviolet filters is often questioned, but without reason. Little is published on this subject, or reported at meetings, because they last so long. One informed source said that it is even possible that they get better as tine goes by.Robert DeCristoforo
A. M. Sulkin Co.
51 Melcher St.
Boston, NA 02210Bennan Leather Craft Co.
25 Melcher St.
Boston, NA 02210 (617/426-0870)Tenacity Mfg. Co.
801 So. Cooper Ave.
P0 Box 15006
Cincinnati, OH 45215 (513/821-0201, 821-8555)