The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 11, Number 5
Jul 1987

Editor's Page


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111 Research Drive, Room C-38
Bethlehem, PA 18018
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Improved Classification Available

More work has been done on the classification scheme used for the Abbey Newsletter library and information files. Superfluous categories have been dropped, crowded categories subdivided, and similar categories related with "see" and "see also" references. Categories relating only to specific units and work in the Brigham Young University Library have been weeded out. (Housecleaning like this will go on indefinitely as needed to keep the collection and the classification scheme well coordinated.) The scheme and its index are not only shorter now, but neater, since we learned to use a laser printer. Copies will be sent on request; send self-addressed stamped envelope.

Replacements For Defective June Issue Ready

The printer was on the verge of moving to a new location when the last issue went to press, and the printing job they did was terrible. Some extra copies have been printed properly for readers who write in for replacements. There is no charge.

The Abbey Newsletter: Bookbinding and Conservation is issued six or more times a year and has about 1050 subscribers. New subscribers automatically receive all issues published In the current year, unless they request otherwise. All subscriptions expire on the last day of the year. To initiate or renew a subscription, send $35 (full-time students $20), or the equivalent in � Sterling to Abbey Newsletter, 320 E. Center, Provo, UT 84601 (801/373-1598).

No paid advertisements are accepted, but any notice that is appropriate and has news value will be printed if there is room for it. Written contributions and bits of news are welcome. Claims for issues never received, or received in damaged condition, will be honored within a year of publication.

The Abbey Newsletter is selectively indexed in Art & Archaeology Technical Abstracts, the Institute of Paper Chemistry Abstract Bulletin and Graphic Arts Literature Abstracts (RIT). It is not indexed in the usual periodical indexes because it is a newsletter. All issues but v.1 #2 are in print.

The Editor encourages readers to copy and pass around any article from the Newsletter, even entire issues; but before copying any part on a scale that amounts to republication, they must obtain permission from both author and Editor.

Editor: Ellen McCrady Publisher: Abbey Publications
Copyright 1987 Abbey Publications  

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