Volume 11, Number 5
Jul 1987
- Emilio Brugalla, grand master of bookbinding in Spain and
prolific author, died April 1 at the age of 85. His son Santiago
continues the Brugalla style and carries on the business in
Barcelona. Philip Smith wrote an obituary for the June DB
- Kathryn Gerlach has retired and sold the Gerlach bindery to the
New York Historical Society. Now she plans to write her memoirs, the
story of Gerhard's and her life in bookbinding (the Gerlach bindery
opened in 1934).
- Terry 0. Norris, whose retirement from Nekoosa Papers was
announced in the last issue, plans to remain active in professional
societies and advisory committees including those concerned with
alkaline papers. His address is P.O. Box 592 Downtown Station,
Boone, NC 28607.
- Carla J. Montori was appointed Preservation Officer at the
University of Michigan Library, effective June 1, with a joint
appointment in the library school there. One of her duties will be
to design and implement a statewide cooperative preservation
program. She is a member of ALA AIC and GBW.
- Karen Nippa is the new editor of the RBMS
Newsletter. Her address is: Library Company of
Philadelphia, 1314 Locust St., Philadelphia, PA 19107. (This
corrects the "Useful Addresses" listing for the RBMS
- Cheryl Carrabba has left the Humanities Research Center at the
University of Texas and has set up a private practice in association
with Craig Jensen. The address is the same (8403 Cross Park Drive,
Suite 2E, Austin, TX 78754) but the phone numbers are different.
Carrabba Conservation is at 512/832-1107 and the Jensen Bindery is
at 512/837-0479.
- Monona Rossol, former President and cofounder of the Center for
Occupational Hazards, has founded a new not-for-profit corporation,
"Arts, Crafts, and Theater Safety (ACTS)," at 181 Thompson St., #23,
New York, NY 10012 (212/ 777-0062). She will continue to assist
conservators with health and safety problems by taking written and
telephone inquiries, lecturing, and consulting.