The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 11, Number 7
Oct 1987

LC Internships in Conservation

Originally published as a fact sheet of the Preservation Reference Service, "Intern Training in Conservation at the Library of Congress." Reprinted with permission.

The Library of Congress contributes to the education of conservators by accepting interns for advanced training in conservation techniques. Internships are available in rare book conservation and in paper conservation for the period of eleven or twelve months, beginning in the autumn.

Candidates must be either: 1) graduate students in a degree-granting, academic conservation training program (if from the United States), or graduates of comparable academic programs (if from outside the United States); or 2) professionals experienced in book or paper conservation, and sponsored or employed by a library, archives, or museum institution.

All interns must have adequate financial resources to support themselves during the training period, must agree to follow the training program outlined for them by Conservation Office staff, and must agree to follow the standard Library of Congress regulations and practices that govern all employees. Candidates must have demonstrated skills in book or paper conservation and a solid working knowledge of the English language.

Applications for internships must be received by January 15 of any given year, and should consist of a letter stating one's interest, a summary of educational background and experience in conservation, professional activities to date, and two letters of recommendation. Candidates should be prepared to submit a portfolio representative of their work. The portfolio should include treatment reports, samples or photographs of conservation treatments, and any other supporting material that will enable an accurate assessment of level of skill and experience. Qualified candidates will be interviewed in person, if possible, or over the telephone prior to final selection for the available positions.

For more information contact Merrily A. Smith, National Preservation Program Office, LM-G07, Library of Congress, Washington, DC 20540 (202/287-1840).

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