Volume 11, Number 7
Oct 1987
Events In The News
- A small exhibition on paper history has been prepared for the
Victoria & Albert Museum, and is now touring the U.S. Till
November 8, it will be at the Museum of Art at Pennsylvania
State University in University Park, PA; Dec. 2 to Jan. 24, at the
Yale Center for British Art. "English Artists' Paper: Renaissance to
Regency" is am overview of the types of paper which were available
during the growth of the hand papermaking industry in England: from
the importation of French, Dutch and Italian papers, through the
production of the competing English product, to the emergence, in
the years around 1800, of such fine English introductions as Bristol
board, copperplate paper, and drawing paper. The exhibition catalog
is published by Abaris Books, New York.
- On October 17 and 18, three members of the Iowa Center
for the Book will visit the Minnesota Center for Book Arts and offer
workshops in letterpress printing, bookbinding and papermaking. Kim
Merker, Bill Anthony and Tim Barrett will give talks on their
specialties as part of the workshops, and participate in a panel
discussion afterwards, so the events are a kind of cross between a
seminar and a workshop.
- The Oct. 22 membership meeting of the Association of
Research Libraries will focus on "Preservation: A Research Library
Priority for the 1990s." There will be three panel sessions, on 1)
some of the major challenges in developing a strong in-house
preservation program, from the viewpoint of those responsible for
funding and major policy; 2) administrative issues, including the
roles of the director and the preservation administrator, as well as
environmental, architectural and other preservation-related issues
that do not translate into preservation "activities"; and 3)
agencies that help libraries and foster cooperative action. Since
the ARL is concerned with the full range of functions in research
libraries, this focus on preservation is significant, and the topics
are well chosen.
- The College of Engineering at the University of Wisconsin,
Madison, as part of its professional development program, is having
a program Nov. 18-20 on "Preventing Building Design and
Construction Failures" designed for architects, building
conservators, facility managers, and all individuals responsible for
building design, construction and maintenance. Since buildings are
an important part of the preservation picture, collection-holding
institutions may want to send a representative. Sessions of
particular interest are: Inspection and Identification of Defective
Areas of Existing Structures [includes water and moisture problems]
- Hugh C. Miller (historical preservation architect); and two
sessions on restoration and repair techniques, also by Hugh Miller;
all three on the first day. Registration: $395 ($115 for first day
only). For more information, call 608/263-4705 or write Philip M.
Bennett, Dept. of Engineering Professional Development, Univ. of
Wisconsin--Madison, 432 N. Lake St., Madison, WI 53706.
- The Atelier d'Arts Appliqués du Vesinet (28 bis, Chemin
du Tour des Bois, 78400 Chatou, France) is giving a series of
workshops for people already working in bookbinding who wish to
perfect their techniques and learn new ones. They are one to four
days in length. For details see the Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
or the review Art et Metiers du Livre.