Volume 11, Number 8
Dec 1987
- Leslie Kruth has accepted a temporary position as Paper
Conservator at the Library of Congress.
- Patricia Chapman is the new National Preservation Officer at the
British Library, since December 1986.
- Terry Siebach and Miranda Martin, Columbia University
conservation students interning in Ireland's GPA-Bolton Library,
County Tipperary, were photographed and featured in the October
American Libraries, p. 726.
- Hilary Kaplan assumed the position of Head, Conservation
Department (part of the Preservation Department) at Emory University
on September 1.
- Sally Roggia, formerly Preservation Consultant with the New
Jersey State Library, is assuming duties in teaching, research,
planning and administration as Preservation Specialist with the
University of Wisconsin Library in Madison, as part of WISPPR
(Wisconsin Plan for Preservation).
- Ann Morgan Dodge was appointed Conservator of Library Materials
at Brown University November 1. She has an MLS and an MA in
Comparative Literature from the University of Michigan and has
served for four years as Conservation Specialist at the Nebraska
State Historical Society.
- Michele Cloonan was appointed Preservation Librarian at Brown
University, effective December 1. She has been an Instructor at the
library school, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, for the
past two years.