Volume 12, Number 1
Jan 1988
- Susan Barger and Kathy Orlenko have started work on an NEH grant
project to test on old book papers the resizing agents currently in
use in conservation.
- Garrison/Lull (Ann Garrison and Bill Lull) have a new telephone
number: 609/259-8050. Their address remains the same: P0 Box 337,
Princeton Junction, NJ 08550.
- Dennis Moser, Assistant Book Conservator at the Humanities
Research Center at the University of Texas, has accepted the
position of Conservation Technician at the University Club in New
York City.
- HICOREB the three-year book conservation school in Belgium,
graduated five students in June 1987: Arnie De Roover, Lieve
Watteeuw, Guy De Witte, Ann Peckstadt and Geneviève
- Jennifer Banks is now Head of Preservation and Collections at
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Libraries.
- Nancy Bell left the Bodleian Library to join Christopher
Clarkson as an instructor at West Dean College in Chichester,
- Ted Kuzen was named Preservation Officer at the University of
Virginia Library.
- Robert J. Strauss, who is now Executive Director of CCAHA in
Philadelphia, is the same Robert J. Strauss who headed the Archival
Products Division of the Library Binding Service in Des Moines. This
was not made clear in the last issue.
- James Stroud is Acting Chief Conservation Officer at the
University of Texas's Humanities Research Center.
- Decherd Turner will retire from his position as Director of the
University of Texas' s Humanities Research Center at the end of the
academic year.
- Sally Buchanan joined the University of Pittsburgh January 1 as
Assistant Director for Preservation Services and Cooperative
Planning, in which capacity she will develop preservation programs
for the University, region and state.
- Ingrid Rose, who has been in Roumania for the last three years,
will be returning to the United States this summer or fall. She gave
a paper at the ICOM meeting in Sydney on the effects of various
cleaning methods.
- Dorothy Teringo was appointed conservator (rare bookbinder) at
the Library of Congress.
- William Matheson, chief of the Rare Books and Special
Collections Division at the Library of Congress for 19 years,
retired on August 28.
- David Dudley, Director of the Upper Midwest Conservation
Association in Minneapolis since 1978, has joined the Southwest
Conservation Center in Scottsdale, Arizona.
- Norman G. Beaudoin began work in November as a conservation
technician at the University of California in Berkeley.
- Martha Morales is now doing consulting in association management
and conference planning. Her address is 10300 Chapel Road, Potomac,
MD 20854 (301/299-9598).
- Tim Padfield, formerly of the Smithsonian Institution, has gone
to work in Denmark.
- Eleanore (Sandy) Stewart has accepted a new appointment as Head
of Conservation Treatment at the Stanford University Libraries as of
March 1.
- Anna Stenstrom has accepted the position of Book Conservator at
the New York Public Library, starting in February.