The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 12, Number 6
Sep 1988

AIC Meeting & Developments

First, the developments. AIC has lost its lease on the historic mansion it was leasing from the Park Service, but has found a building near Dupont Circle for only $33,000 a year plus utilities: 1400 16th St. NW, Suite 340, Washington, DC 20036. The telephone number is new too: 202/2326636.

The financial picture is discouraging. Although dues were increased last year, they will have to go up again next year and again soon after that. Registration for the conference was expensive: $125 if you applied early, $140 if you dallied. Although membership has risen to 2490, this organization has experienced no economies of scale. It can no longer afford to publish preprints of papers given at its annual meeting, but plans to make abstracts available. It can not afford to tape the sessions any more, or even to have a commercial outfit tape them. It does put out a membership list, it does have a newsletter and a journal, and someday it may have a referral system.

Next year s meeting will be in Cincinnati, June 4. In 1990, the members would like to meet in Richmond; the board will make the final decision.

Now for a few highlights of the meeting. The Preprints contain a lot of material of interest. The presentations I thought were moat significant were the following--bet everyone must judge for themselves.

At the business meeting of the Book and Paper Group, it was announced or decided that: 1) there would be a new committee on vocabulary control, headed by Walter Henry; tell him about all good word lists for information retrieval, 2) back issues of the Postprints are back in print, 3) last year, the first on the NEH grant, twice as many sections of the Paper Catalog were completed as in any previous year; there are now 12 sections, 4) there has been no progress on the Book Catalog, which would be a record of book conservation methods presently in use; anyone with ideas or motivation to take part should call Eleanore Stewart.

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