Volume 13, Number 2
May 1989
- Pam Rash died of cancer January 5, 1989, at the age of 36. Fritz
Eberhardt' s moving obituary appears in the Spring issue of the
Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild Newsletter.
- Robert Bowker has accepted the position of Paper Conservator at
the Newberry Library. He was formerly an assistant conservator at
the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine in London, and
has worked with Bill Minter in Chicago.
- Cathy Bell, formerly of the HRC at the University of Texas in
Austin, has accepted a position as assistant paper conservator at
the Beinecke Library at Yale, starting at the end of March. Her
primary responsibility will be working with papyrus.
- Maxine K. Sitts, Information Services Specialist for the Office
of Management Services at ARL, left on February 17 to accept a
position as Program Officer with the Commission on Preservation and
- Bob Futernick recently spent three weeks in Australia conducting
paper conservation workshops in Melbourne, Adelaide, and Canberra,
at the invitation of the South Australian government.
- Frances Prichett has joined the staff at the Balboa Art
Conservation Center as conservator in the Paper Department. She is a
graduate of the Gateshead Technical College Conservation of Fine
Arts Course in England, and recently completed a year of internship
at the Library of Congress.
- Ron Tank, Head of Conservation at the Huntington Library in San
Mario, California, is retiring after 36 years at the Library. He
plans to relocate and within a few months he will be settled into
private practice at his new address: 2928 Little Creek Lane, Paso
Rubles, CA 93446 (805/ 239-287 3).
- Janice Mae Schopfer, having completed a NEA internship under
Victoria Blyth Hill, has accepted the position of Senior Conservator
at the Pacific Regional Conservation Lab at the Bishop Museum in
- Anne Tedeschi will be a consultant to the Wisconsin Preservation
Program (WISPPR) for the rest of 1989. This will involve teaching
workshops on practical preservation techniques throughout the
- Babette Gehnrich began work as Assistant Conservator at Yale
University in January.
- San Ellenport's telephone number at the Harcourt Sulkin Bindery
is now 617-542-5858. Address: still 51 Melcher St., Boston, MA
- James Stroud accepted the position of Chief, Conservation
Office, at the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center in
- Ian and Angela Moor will be at the HRHRC through June 1989, on a
four-month visiting consultancy.
- Philip Alleyn, of Boston, moved to Japan in March. He will be
teaching English for at least the next two years, in the employ of a
Tokyo company which contracts with other Japanese companies to
provide instructions for managers and executives.
- Thomas Marcum has accepted am appointment as Manager of the
Mid-Atlantic Preservation Service (MAPS) at the Lehigh Mountaintop
Campus site. His background is in library administration and
publishing, and he has completed an immersion period in
micrographics during which he worked at every job in the company.
MAPS does large-scale preservation microfilming and other
reformatting for cultural institutions. Their number is