The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 13, Number 6
Oct 1989

Bookbinders International

by Paula M. Gourley

The Annual General Meeting of Bookbinders International was held in London, England on July 1-2, 1989. Attending were John Tonkin (President), Paula Gourley (Vice President), Lotje Ariens Kappers (Secretary), Jeff Clements (Executive Member), Margaret Chandler, Trevor Jones, Bernard Middleton, Faith Shannon, David Simaleavich, Dorothy Smith and Philip Smith. Lester Bath of Designer Bookbinders attended as Minutes Secretary.

Dee to the short notice, several members of the Executive Committee were unable to attend the meeting, which was hosted by Designer Bookbinders.

Following the Executive Committee reports, discussion was lively regarding the various subcommittees' charges. The draft of the constitution of the organization was carefully scrutinized and, with a few clarifications, was approved by general consensus.

The specifications for the duties of the officers was discussed, followed by a report from the finance and administration sub-committee. The decision was made to levy an annual membership fee of $30 (US) with am initial $20 (US) application fee for each member organization, with credit given to those organizations who have already paid membership dues at the former rate.

Paula Gourley offered to act as editor of the newsletter on an annual basis. Dates for the newsletter will be February, June and October. Advertising will be accepted at the rate of $25 (US) per quarter page and $15 (US) per eighth page, with copy camera-ready and cash with the order to Newsletter Editor. English will be the preferred language of the newsletter, though articles may be published in French and German, as received.

The election of officers followed. Paula Gourley agreed to continue as Vice President. David Simaleavich was elected Secretary and agreed to act as Treasurer for a period of three months. The offices of President and Treasurer will be filled by election after nominations are received from all member organizations.

Member organizations should send their nominations for the offices of President and Treasurer, as well as calendar items for inclusion in the newsletter, to Paula Gourley, Vice President of Bookbinders International, Graduate School of Library Service, Box 870252, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487.

The next Executive Committee meeting, for the election of officers and other committee business, will be held in March 1990 in Basel, Switzerland. It will take place during the Second International Forum on Design Bookbinding, sponsored by the Swiss section of Las Amis de la Reliure d'Art, planned for March 29-April 12, 1990.

For information on the l'ARA conference and exhibition, contact Maud Spira, 28 Chemin de la Perdie, CH 2900 Porrentruy, Switzerland.

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