Volume 13, Number 7
Nov 1989
- Brian Hoy, lecturer in bookbinding and conservation at
Camberwell School of Art & Crafts, has retired from Camber-well
and is working part-time for a Westminster bindery as a
- Lage Carlson is the new head of Phased Conservation at the
Library of Congress.
- Sarah Melching, formerly of the Phased Conservation section at
the Library of Congress, has enrolled in the Queens University Art
Conservation Program.
- Dorothy Teringo has resigned her position as Conservator at the
Library of Congress and will be working with her husband, a
historical illustrator.
- David Brock, formerly Senior Book Conservator at the Library of
Congress, has moved to San Diego to set up in private practice. The
address of his business is 4369 Argos Dr., San Diego, CA 92116
- Roberta Pilette (formerly Chalfant) went with Kathy Ludwig and
Linda Fagen to Italy for two weeks in October, and visited paper
mills, museums and conservators in the Rome and Florence areas.
- Henry Toering is the new Bindery Supervisor at Brown University
Library. Before coming to Brown, Henry was the first Mellon Intern
in the Newberry Library's Conservation Department.
- Mary Wood Lee is the new Director of Campbell Center, in Mt.
Carroll, Illinois.
- Dard Hunter Jr., son of the author and paper historian, and an
early graduate of the museum curator program at the Winterthur
Museum, died on September 13 following heart surgery. His son, Dard
Hunter III, is working to restore his grandfather's first paper
mill, in Marlborough, NY.
- Maria Nugent began work in early November as a rare book
conservator at the Library of Congress. She had worked in the
Smithsonian Institution's Book Conservation Lab since 1977.
- Hilary Kaplan assumed the position of Conservator at the Georgia
Department of Archives and History as of 1 November 1989. Ms. Kaplan
was formerly Head of the Conservation Department for Emory
University Libraries.
- Elizabeth Fitzhugh was appointed Editor of the Journal of the
American Institute for Conservation in October. She succeeds
Marjorie Cohn, who has resigned after 10 years of service to become
Curator of Prints at the Fogg Museum.
- Evelyn Frangakis has been appointed the Mellon Preservation
Administration Intern at Stanford University Libraries, starting
October 2.
- Ann Swartzell assumed new duties November 1 as the Head of
Preservation Replacement and Library Photographic Services,
Conservation Division, University of California, Berkeley. Her
mailing address at work is Conservation Department, Library 416,
University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720.
- Søren Carlsen, who was on a temporary appointment as
Collections Conservator at Carleton College at St. Olaf College, has
returned to Denmark.