Volume 13, Number 7
Nov 1989
Products & Services
For Sale by Owner
Frank Regan of Palatine, IL (312/359-1333) has two pieces of
equipment for sale: a 24" Latham job backer and a large standing
press, 16" x 24" with a 21" screw and a 30" opening, complete with
pressing boards. $600 apiece or $1000 for the pair, buyer arrange
- Northern Archival Copy (4730 Lorinda Dr., Shoreview, MN 55126,
612/483-9346) specializes in photocopying brittle books. Write for
information. Prices very good; binding service available.
- Research Publications offers a range of services for
microfilming, including assistance with selection of documents to be
preserved and preparation of bibliographic access tools, in addition
to filming and storage. Their brochure says they know how to meet
preservation standards. Address: 12 Lunar Dr., Drawer AB,
Woodbridge, CT 06515 (203/ 397-2600, 800/444-0799).
For Book Conservation & Binding
Preservation Supplies & Equipment
- CCI can send assembly instructions for a $20 "Hygrothermograph
Alarm Switch" that requires no power but will trigger most alarm
systems. Write CCI, 1030 Innes Rd., Ottawa, Oct. KlA 0C8,
- Demco is advertising PVC print protectors in the archival
section of its catalog. They ought to know better.
- Recon (TM) insect survey traps were developed for use in
cultural institutions. Write Museum Services Corp., 4216 Howard Ave.
(Upper Level), Kensington, MD 20895-2418 (301/ 564-1225).
- CCI also has a slide rule that will help with the arithmetic of
calculating how long you can allow an object to remain on display
before unacceptable damage occurs from light. The front gives the
relation between the time exposure and the intensity of light
exposure for an object, and displays the light dosage in Megalux
hours, and relates this dosage to the amount of damage that will
take place on the Blue Wool Scale. The back of the slide rule
contains information on a number of frequently used incandescent and
fluorescent bulbs, and predicts their intensities and various
distances and orientations. $20 Canadian.