Volume 14, Number 1
Feb 1990
ALA's Third Resolution on Permanent Paper
The American Library Association passed resolutions endorsing the
use of permanent paper in 1980 (AN July 1980, p. 30)
and 1988 (AN Feb. 1988, p. 30). On January 10, 1990,
the Council of the ALA adopted another resolution, urging the
following actions by the Association:
- Encourage passage by the U.S. House of Representatives of
H.J.Res. 226 and final enactment of a national policy on permanent
- Support completion of an ISO international standard on permanent
paper based on a revision of the U.S. standard;
- Stimulate and endorse state legislation requiring the use of
permanent paper for appropriate state and local government
publications and documents; and
- Continue to promote a standard and universal practice of
indicating the nature of the paper in books, publications, and where
appropriate, documents.
A chronology of significant events relevant to the use or
promotion of permanent paper during 1988 and 1989 is appended. (Most
of all of them will be familiar to readers of this newsletter.)