Volume 14, Number 2
Apr 1990
- Sally Buchanan is the subject of an article in the March 1 Library Journal: "Librarian Rescues Cultural Heritages; Pitt librarian spreads know-how from South America to the Soviet Union."
- Charles Timosa, formerly of the Philadelphia Police Department's Forensic Lab, became Head, Analytical Services, in the Smithsonian's Conservation Analytical Lab on August 21, 1989.
- Dennis Moser has left the Conservation Department of the University of Michigan, as of the first of the year, to join Bill Minter at Minter Bookbinding and Conservation in Chicago.
- Polly Lada-Mocarski has donated her collection of books about books and bookbinding to the North Bennet Street School in Boston.
- Robert Strauss is now an independent consultant working out of Minneapolis. He can be reached at 2411 Golden Valley Road, Minneapolis, MN 55411 (612/521-5218).
- Richard F. Young has been appointed as the Director of the newly created Office of Conservation and Preservation at the United States Senate.
- Jan Sobota, owner of Saturdays' Book Arts Gallery, has accepted the position of Founding Director of the Conservation Laboratory of Bridwell Library at Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas 75275, beginning May 16, 1990. Jarmila Sobota may be reached at their current address, 235 S. Broadway, Geneva, OH 44041 (216/466-9183) until June.
- David Dudley has joined the staff of the Art Conservation Resource Center in Boston, as a full-time "Chief Conservator/Instructor." The Resource Center, which is at 264 Beacon St., Boston, MA 02116 (617/262-5288), issues a newsletter called Collections Care.
- Robert and Jill Parliament have moved to Mission, B.C., and opened practice in conservation consulting and treatment of paper objects. Their address is 32404 Diamond Crescent, Mission, B.C. V2V 4V4, a (604/820-0206). They are not far from Vancouver.
- Veronica Cunningham, formerly of Columbia University and NEDCC, was appointed Archives Conservation Specialist at the New York State Archives and Records Administration recently. She will manage the Preservation Unit in the Bureau of Archival Services, which consists of the Conservation Laboratory and Micrographics Unit.
- Sarah Dove is serving a postgraduate internship at the Conservation Analytical Laboratory. She is with Konstanze Bachmann in the Paper Conservation Laboratory at the Cooper-Hewitt.
- Roseline Durand is an intern in manuscript conservation at the Walters Art Gallery, and Deborah Woolverton is a technician in manuscripts and objects conservation there.
- Cynthia Clark, formerly head of the Preservation Department at Princeton University, will become the Head of the Serials Department at U.C. Irvine as of April 23.