Volume 14, Number 3
Jun 1990
- Karen Preslock, formerly librarian in the collection of
conservation material at the Smithsonian, has become an entrepreneur
in a partnership called BookQuest, the Online Book Network, at 135
Village Queen Drive, Owings Mills, MD 21117 (301/581-0394,
- Richard Baker, formerly Chief Conservator at the American
Antiquarian Society, has opened a private practice in library and
archives conservation. His address is 1712 (Rear) South Big Bend
Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63117 (314/ 781-3035).
- Robert J. Strauss, former Executive Director of the CCAHA in
Philadelphia, has established a consulting firm to focus an
strategic planning, project design and management, as well as
fund-raising for nonprofit institutions. He will work in a similar
capacity with private businesses that are offering
preservation-related services. His new address is 2411 Golden
Valley Rd., Minneapolis, MN 55411 (612/5215218).
- Maria Fredericks has accepted the position of Associate
Conservator for Library Collections at the Winterthur Library. She
can be reached by telephone at 302/888-4633, or by mail at the
Winterthur Library, Winterthur, DE 19735.
- Duane Watson was appointed Association Librarian for
Preservation at the New-York Historical Society, as of April
- Gabrielle Fox is back in Cincinnati again, at 3673 Stettinius
Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45208 (513/871-6613). A graduate of
Guildford's two-year course in bookbinding, she returned to England
and worked for eight years as a self-employed binder and teacher.
She is continuing this sane kind of work in the U. S.
- Paul Needham has left the Pierpont Morgan Library after 18 years
to join Sotheby's (New York) as Director of its Book and Manuscripts