The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 14, Number 7
Nov 1990

Editor's Page

A Thank-you to Supporters

The editor and trustees of Abbey Publications, Inc., want to express appreciation for support received from the people and organizations listed below. So far this year $4221 has been received.

All donations are considered as going to Abbey Publications (thus contributing to both the Abbey Newsletter and the Alkaline Paper Advocate). Donors are classified as Benefactors ($1000+), Sponsors ($500+), Patrons ($100+), and Contributors ($25+).

Benefactors: Allan Thenen. Sponsors: Goldsmith-Perry Philanthropies, Inc. Patrons: The Bookbinder's Warehouse, Inc., The New York Community Trust - James Talcott Fund, Commission on Preservation & Access, Pest Control Services, Inc., Wei T'o Associates, Inc., Booklab, Inc., Acme Bookbinding, Inc., Joan T. Batchelor, Susan G. Swartzburg, Bookmakers, Robert W. Frase, two anonymous patrons. Contributors: M. Susan Barger, D.H. Smith, Hilda A. Robbins, Roberta Badiner, Kathy Ludwig, Nancy H. Hoyt, Murray W. Millar, Charles R. Kalina, William K. Wilson, Taylor Made Co., Nancy Schrock, Maria Fredericks, Robert L. Snow, T.O. Norris, Myra Jo Moon, three anonymous contributors.


. A line of type was dropped in the last paragraph of the review of the Traister review in the August issue. That first sentence in the paragraph should have read something like this:

The preservation administrators, however, need the rare book librarians as knowledgeable spokesmen for the book, to explain to nonlibrarians and unawakened librarians, and others, what the original can offer that a copy can't, and to give examples of research gone wrong because the evidence disappeared along with the original, as Marcus McCorison, among others, have done. (omitted line is underlined.)

The Abbey Newsletter: Bookbinding and Conservation is issued eight times a year and has about 1200 subscribers. All subscriptions are for the calendar year. Unless otherwise requested, new subscriptions received before September 1 are assumed to be for the current year, and all issues published since January are sent. Payments received after September 1 are automatically put toward a subscription for the following year. Checks may be made out in U.S. dollars or English pounds, payable to Abbey Publications; send to 320 E. Center St., Provo, UT 84606 (801/373-1598).

Full-time students and unpaid interns: $20
Individuals and uncomplicated orders from institutions 37
Other orders from institutions 45

Paid advertisements, except for job ads, are not accepted. Job announcements are billed at the rate of $50 for the heading and the first ten lines (60 characters per line), plus $2 per line thereafter. Any notice that is appropriate and newsworthy will be printed if there is room for it. Written contributions and bits of news are welcome. Claims for issues never received will be honored within a year of publication. Defective issues will be gladly replaced on request. A complete list of back issues is available.

The Abbey Newsletter is selectively indexed in Art & Archaeology Technical Abstracts, the Institute of Paper Science & Technology Abstract Bulletin, and Graphic Arts Literature Abstracts. All issues but v.1 #2 are in print, and each volume has its own index. Interim indexes are available on request.

The Editor encourages readers to photocopy freely from the Newsletter; but the Editor's permission must be obtained before making more than 20 copies of any part.

Abbey Publications is a nonprofit tax t corporation (tax ID#87-0436104). Its other publication is Alkaline Paper Advocate.

Editor: Ellen McCrady Copyright 1990 Abbey Publications
ISSN: 0276-8291 Fax: 801/375-4423
Circulation Manager: Janice Miller

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