The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 15, Number 1
Feb 1991


by Barbara Sagraves
Preservation Office, Northwestern University Library, 1935 Sheridan Rd., Evanston, IL 60208-2300 (708/491-7786).
Email: sagrave@nuacc.

The first meeting of the NOTIS Preservation Interest Group (NOTIS-PIG) was held during the recent Midwinter meeting of ALA. This special interest group, chaired by Barbara Sagraves (Northwestern University) and co-chaired by Patricia Palmer (Virginia Commonwealth University) was formed to discuss the preservation applications of NOTIS. Individuals from fifteen institutions representing a wide range of public and private universities and colleges were in attendance. A large part of the discussion focused on binding activities performed with NOTIS. It was decided to conduct a survey of about 20-30 NOTIS sites to determine what bindery activities are performed with NOTIS and what is done manually. This survey will be headed by Erich Kesse of the University of Florida. Discussions also included the preservation activities that libraries performed with NOTIS. The most frequently cited use was the creation of pseudopatron IDs to charge item to units within the preservation department (e.g., to mending, or to bindery). There was ample time for discussion, and representatives from institutions new to NOTIS were encouraged to ask questions.

All the participants were requested to submit any available documentation of preservation activities they perform with NOTIS. This information, along with the meeting minutes, will be distributed to all the members. Anyone interested in a copy should contact the chair of NOTIS-PIG. We invite all interested participants to attend future meetings or to contact the chair in order to be on the mailing list.

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